My Tribute Costume


I am very affectionate, I care for others and others wellbeing, I am creative, outgoing, optimistic, positive, adventurous and appreciative. My skills include sewing, listening, strategic thinking, honesty and problem-solving. I like going out and adventuring or sitting at home and staying inside sometimes. I like that I have a good sense of humour, I don’t take things too personally, I also like that I care for others and make others happy. 


When making my character design I didn’t like the create a character website because I felt like I didn’t have very many options to create something I was happy with so instead of creating something I wasn’t happy with, I decided to use dress up games, since there are so many different options. I played around with different ones and ended up with the result. I was pretty happy with how it had turned out.   

While making my character I made a story for her in my head, like how she lived in district one and was wealthy and that she would represent her district with more expensive items.  

I like that I came up with something that I was happy with and had more creative freedom with what I wanted to do. I don’t think I would improve on anything because I’m happy with how it turned out. I learned that I’m not restricted to one resource. 

Digital footprint assignment

  • Luckily I didn’t find anything related to me on google, however, I was surprised to find a lot of mug shots and active warrants.
  • You should always be cautious when sharing information like your password, in fact, you shouldn’t do it at all unless its someone in your family or someone you trust. Sharing personal information about yourself can be dangerous, especially your phone number, someone can track you and find out even more information about you than you ever intended.
  • If a video or photo of you got out that you didn’t want to be distributed, it could very well affect your life. it could affect your chances of getting a job or into university, it could even upset your grandma, you wouldn’t want to make your grandma disappointed now, would you?
  • to keep the digital footprint safe you could, keep your social media private, try to delete old accounts that you don’t use anymore and use strong passwords and maybe update your old passwords once a year.
  • I would mention my friends to update their passwords.