Life Saving Measures

On March 14th, we learned about Naloxhome, which is a Service group that talks about overdoses and how we can prevent the death rate from overdoses by providing people with small carry kits of naloxone, which is a drug overdose blocker that helps lower the rate of overdose deaths

Also, things I learned from all 3 classes were fairly simple: I got to learn facts about the death toll from cardiac arrest and what to do to decrease that number to save lives. He also taught us how to perform CPR on a patient and explained certain times he had to use CPR or stories about CPR that he knew since he was a fireman. second time someone came in and taught us about the side effects of drugs such as opioids, alcohol and nicotine, She explained stories about the ER, such as a male showing up with a beer can in his rectum, Other than that, she warned us about the side effects of taking these drugs

and on the last day we had a woman come in explaining about naloxone witch is a community that help spread awareness about how to prevent overdose deaths

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection 

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them, i know what to do to fit in with my friends and i know i dont need drugs to do it!