PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Feeling

Today I feel very overwhelmed. I have many assignments to complete and studying to do because of the last week of school which consists of many tests. I have a headache because of lack of sleep due to stress, and my personal life is very hectic right now as well. I am excited for this week to be over so I can start my Summer Break with a clean slate.

Personal Health and Awareness Reflection

  1. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I usually like to; go for a walk listening to some good music or a podcast, take a cool shower to literally re-fresh, and/or cleaning my space. All of these things make me feel accomplished and give me a sense of having a fresh start once I complete them.

2. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include;

  • Keeping a planner so that I’m on top of everything I have to do in the week so I eliminate some of my stress
  • I’ve been focusing on drinking one liter of water everyday which is a big change for me
  • I try to move my body in some way every single day whether it’s light exercising like walking or yoga, or more intense like weight lifting and long hikes.
  • Eating whole foods and avoiding processed foods in my daily diet. I rarely have fried things which is a pro but I can definitely work on eating less sweets

Core Competency Reflection

how project and presentation helped me develop and demonstrate core competencies

  • I understand that learning is continuous and my identity will continue to evolve. I know what my strengths and weaknesses are and I can feel proud of myself for the things I can already achieve and be firm with myself on what I still need to improve on.
  • I use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced life. These strategies often include cleaning up the environment I’m in so that my brain as a result, feels cleaner as well. Also, making sure my physical health is in check with what I’m consuming and with how much I’m exercising plays a huge role in how well my mental health is at the moment.
  • I can reflect on my thinking. I have had a therapist for years now and as a result, I have matured more because of how in tune with my emotions I am. I am constantly reflecting on my own feelings and thoughts and this is a really healthy (but sometimes unhealthy if I don’t keep myself in control and start overthinking for example) thing that allows me to communicate my feelings with others easier and in a more well-structured way. I can vocalize my thinking.
  • I find it easy to be part of a group. I am a very social person and thoroughly enjoy being around others, so working in groups is never a problem for me. I like talking to others and hearing other people’s perspectives on various topics in life. It give me insight on how different all our lives and experiences are.

The core competency goal I am going to work on is; I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I’m not a bad writer but I can definitely work on sticking to the point. Because my brain works so fast and I’m always thinking and connecting different ideas, it sometimes show in my writing because I will go off topic. To achieve this goal I will work on creating main ideas in my writing and sticking to them so I don’t trail off. Also, making sure to write drafts when I am able to, to make sure my final product is as good as it can be.

‘The Simpsons’

My Analysis

Creating and Communication

  • This unit helped me learn about comedic devices by seeing them being used in action. Humour is best learned when you are experiencing it in the moment rather than learning about the structure of a joke. Seeing satire, allusions, irony and sarcasm being used on screen and seeing concrete examples of each device was helpful in teaching me how to identify the differences between them.
  • I expressed my ideas and used concrete evidence when we wrote our in-class paragraph on why ‘The Simpsons’ was such a successful show. By putting my knowledge and thoughts in words, it really helped me solidify my understanding.
  • I really focused on the “less is more” principle to make sure everything I said was significant and I wasn’t using wasted words. I also tried to give concrete examples of scenes I remembered that used certain comedic devices.

Core Competency Reflection

how it helped me develop and demonstrate core competencies

  • I can describe how satire, irony and/or allusion relates to shows like ‘The Office’ and/or in real life. These comedic devices are everywhere, but before this unit I couldn’t identify any besides sarcasm. Now I can understand why certain jokes I hear are funny because I understand the root of where it’s coming from. It makes hearing jokes more enjoyable.
  • I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I thought of connecting ‘The Simpsons’ success to the play of Romeo and Juliet that we read beforehand. I tried to identify how different aspects we’ve learned in class connect to each other. What I learned, is that comedic devices are everywhere if we pay attention to them, even amidst tragedies. Which makes them that much more meaningful and heartfelt whether it’s in real life or in movies. That’s an important lesson for everyone to learn and I think that is probably one of the most important things I will be taking from this class.
  • I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is how much I’ve focused on not using wasted words in my writing. I can definitely get better at it, especially If I get time to write a draft beforehand. But, I’ve worked on being more precise with where I want my sentences to go in the sense of accuracy and getting to the point faster than in the beginning of the semester. Something that was hard to let go of that we learned with Mr. Cook is to not use things like “in my opinion” or “I believe” in our writing. It feels very unnatural not prefacing my writing with these sentence starters but It truly makes my writing feel more formal and professional. I really enjoy seeing my writing get more refined through the years through practice.