The Crucible


To fully understand characters in The Crucible and their motivation for behaving as they do, one only has to refer to Kollberg’s moral precepts for explanation.  

There are characters in The Crucible that behave in a way which is best described as pre-conventional. Pre-conventional is when you behave in a certain way to obtain rewards or avoid punishment. One such example of this is Thomas Putnam. During the trial on accusations of witchcraft, Putnam tells his daughter to accuse George Jacobs because “If Jacobs hangs for a witch, he [will] forfeit up his property.” Putnam knows that he is the only man in Salem with enough coin to purchase the unowned property, making his motives clear. He wants Jacobs to perish so he can increase the amount of acres he owns. Another character that behaves in a way to avoid punishment is Mary Warren. Mary is part of Abigail William’s group that calls out witchery on the people of Salem. John Proctor wants to put a stop to Abigail and the trial, so he pressures Mary to confess the falsehoods of the trial. Mary is reluctant to confess because she knows that “Abby will kill [her] for saying that” to the judge. She does not want to be killed by Abby, hence why she refuses to speak out against her. The final character to be discussed is Reverend Parris. Throughout the entirety of The Crucible, Parris never changes the way he acts and only thinks for himself. He is initially happy about the witch trials as it distracted the townsfolk from the fact that his niece and daughter were out playing in the woods. However, when the more influential people in Salem start being called out as witches, he starts receiving anonymous death threats. Parris realizes that “there is a dagger in it for [him]” and starts acting against the trials he once supported to avoid losing his life. You can see from the examples provided that The Crucible has many characters that behave in a way to avoid punishment and obtain reward. 

There are also many characters found in The Crucible that are Conventional. Conventional behaviour is when you act in a certain way to fit into a group. The first conventional character to be discussed is Mary Warren. Mary and a group of other girls follow the lead of Abigail as they falsely prosecute the people of Salem for witchcraft. Mary fully believes that “it is God’s work [they] do” when in actuality, she only behaves this way to fit in with Abigail and the rest. The next character that wants to fit into a group is John Proctor. Proctor sins at the beginning of the play when he cheats on his wife Elizabeth Proctor and sleeps with Abigail Williams. Nobody in Salem knows that he slept with her except him, Elizabeth, and Abigail. Proctor wants to keep his image as a good Christian man and delays confessing to lechery to stop Abigail. He claims that he will “think on it” but never does anything until Abigail calls witchery on Elizabeth. The last character to be examined is Elizabeth Proctor. Just like her husband, Elizabeth also wants to fit into the group of being the ideal Christian woman. Everyone in Salem knows that she “will never lie” and stay true to God and the Ten Commandments. One can see from the examples provided that The Crucible has many characters that show a desire to fit in. 

The final category of characters to go over in The Crucible are the ones that behave in a post-conventional matter. Post-conventional characters internalize a sense of right and wrong. They are confident in their values and beliefs regardless of punishment, reward, and group acceptance. The first character to analyze is John Proctor. Proctor becomes post-conventional when he finally decides to confess to sleeping with Abigail. He finally chooses to expose the fact that “[he] has known her” to the court so he can stop the hangings. He no longer cares what happens to him upon confessing this if he can stop the mass delusion in Salem. The next character that is confident in their sense of values and beliefs is Giles Corey. When Giles exposes Putnam for killing people to take their land, the court demands that he backs up his claim with a source. Giles refuses to tell the court where he heard this information from. Giles is a former lawyer, and he knows that no good can happen from him revealing his source of information. The court proceeds to torture Giles by piling stones on his chest because they want to know who told him about Putnam. Giles continues to refuse to give the court what they demand and dies with his last recorded words being him asking for “more weight” on his chest. Giles died believing in what was correct and did not yield to anything or anyone. The final character to be deconstructed is Reverend Hale. Hale originally came to Salem to investigate the claims of witchcraft. As time goes on, he concludes that there are no witches in Salem and that the judge running the show, Danforth, is on a power trip. Hale becomes aggrieved with the way Danforth’s actions and announces that he “quit this court” after they rejected Proctor’s confession to lechery. Hale gave up his power because of the travesty that was occurring in Salem. It is evident from the examples provided that many characters in The Crucible behave in a way that meets their sense of values and beliefs without concern for punishment, reward, or group acceptance. 

Thanks to Kollberg’s moral precepts, we are able to better understand the actions of the characters in The Crucible. 

PC11 Reflection

Working collaboratively with others

I think that I was able to work well during group activities. I try to help my groupmates when they don’t understand a concept or when calculating. I try to make sure that mistakes are fixed and we can understand why it happened, and how to prevent it.

Strategically preparing for assessments

When it’s work time in class, I always do my workbook. Sometimes I don’t finish all of the work in the workbook because I run out of class time. I never do questions outside of class time or study, which I probably should be doing.

Advice for Future Students

Make sure to complete all of the work in the workbook, even if you have to use time outside of class.

Favourite Recipe

Lemon Blueberry Muffins


Making and Sharing Reflection

In this recipe, we had to balance our mixing to make sure it’s not over or under-mixed. The goal was to mix our batter so that there was no bits of flour left, but also not to mix it too much. If we left some patches of flour, then it wouldn’t be baked correctly. If we over-mixed it to a bluish colour, then it would bake funny and the final product would end up looking green . We also made sure to use all of our batter because we didn’t want to waste any food, and it leaves more to eat. Sadly the mixing didn’t go well and we managed to leave flour patches while also over-mixing to get a blue colour. In the end, some bits of flour were on the muffin, and it was greenish; but still very tasty.

Core Competency Reflection

The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at curling. When I am baking, I have to work with my team to make sure everything is being done properly and everyone is doing their job. Curling isn’t much different, but in curling there is a lot more yelling, and one small mistake can mess everything up.

If the group is not productive, we can check our recipe, or clean up in order to get things moving in the right direction. Often times I stand around thinking what to do. When these times happen, I read over my recipe again just to double check that everything is going alright. Afterwards, I start cleaning up areas that might’ve gotten dirty or pre-rinse tools.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by letting them choose toppings/ingredients for our dishes. I don’t want others to feel like they have no control over the toppings/ingredients we use, and it helps me get used to toppings/ingredients that I wouldn’t have tried otherwise.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I tend to stay more quiet than usual. I need to work on getting to know who I’m working with so that we can co-operate to make our recipe well.

RSelf Study

Photo of how I studied

What you did well and how you can improve your Japanese study habits?

I can improve my study habits by doing more than just Quizlet. I should try writing sentences and grammar points.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… 

editing. I didn’t have any editing software or knowledge of how to edit videos before but now I do.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is… 

kanji. Kanji can have multiple kunyomi and onyomi and it becomes a pain to remember it all, especially with the stroke order and that some kanji look alike. I usually end up forgetting the kanji I learned anyways.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I… to advance the development of my ideas. 

try. I try sometimes but most of the time I procrastinate and end up just not doing anything.

How will you continue your Japanese language acquisition over the year?

I will be using Japanese occasionally when talking to some of my friends, and I’ll probably end up having to read things in Japanese online sometime.

If you could travel back in time, what study/language advice would you give yourself or others?

If I could travel back in time then I would go back to the time of the test, (physically) take the test and bring it back to myself so I know the answers beforehand. Other than that I’d tell myself to study more.


Personality (せいかく)


Appearance (みため)


Free Time (ひまなとき)


Strong Points/ Your skills (つよみ)


“R1 – うらない

My horoscope (ほしうらない 星占い) is somewhat accurate to me. I do like eating meat a lot, and I don’t like cleaning my room. But it also mentions that my room is dirty which is very wrong. I keep my room clean because I don’t want to clean anything up. I never take anything out of my drawers to use them. The only place in my room that’s messy is next to my computer where I have a bunch of wires hooked to an outlet.

I have never judged, or been judged by my horoscope, blood type (けつえきがた 血液型  ), zodiac sign, etc. The only time I looked up horoscopes was when I was bored with a few friends of mine and we decided to look up horoscopes to see how ridiculous they were.

I think that fortunes are still popular today because people want a way to find out if their lucky or not. People don’t know if they are lucky or not so they try fortune telling in hopes of determining how lucky they are for the day.

I don’t believe in any superstitions that could increase/decrease my luck. I believe that any superstition that could increase/decrease luck is just a form of entertainment for people to do when they become bored.

Social Studies 10 Reflection

Map of Taiwan

Socials Reflection

Taiwan Demography Project

Self Reflection

1. What skills of yours does this showcase? It showed how I can think of solutions to bigger problems.

2. What core competency does this fill? I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

3. Why did you choose this? It’s the latest project I’ve done for Socials.

4. What did you learn during this project? I learned that Taiwan’s main exports are rice and other foods.

Core Competency Reflection

I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies. I had to research about the demography of Taiwan and presented the information I found.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I’ve had to fact check info on this project to make sure it was accurate.

I can tell the difference between facts and opinions.  I had to make sure I wasn’t referencing any biased or opinion-based sites when researching.

I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to. I had to think about what to put on my slides to make sure what I was saying would come out clear.

I find it easy to be part of a group. I’ve always found it a little difficult for me to be working in a group. It can be hard to communicate with the other person about the work if I don’t know them very well. To improve on this, I can try to think of ways to split the work, or work together on researching a topic for more efficiency.

Core Competency Reflection

My Future

In the future, I want to become an electrician or something to do with technology. I like to mess around with computers and think it would be a good field for me to work in. I’m going to try to get into BCIT and take the intro to electronics course. I’m still a bit unsure if this is really what I want to do but I think this is going to be a great fit for me. Therefore I am going to stay with this current path unless/until I decide that this is not for me.

Core Competency Reflection

I can tell the difference between facts and opinions. I chose this one because it is important to know the difference between a fact and an opinion. I can demonstrate this by thinking if the statement is true, or just something I agree/disagree with.

I deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. I like to learn about things regarding technology such as the hardware and software on computers, or about certain video games. One idea that popped into my head is the idea that social media is just a way of companies to find out what you like, so they can advertise more effectively to you. “Social media apps/sites try to gather as much information on you while also trying to keep you on the platform so they can make sure you see the app/site as a positive so they can gather more data” is what I believe to be true.

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use this to develop my ideas. Things like this happen a lot in video games, where there’s a boss you need to fight and you have to defeat it in a certain way. It often takes a few attempts to learn how to boss works, and how you can defeat it. With every time I fail, I learn something new and use the knowledge of what happened on my next attempt.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I am trying to work on asking open-ended questions to gather information. The questions I usually closed-ended and can be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”. I’m going to try to word my questions in ways where I can get information while still having a discussion.

How to use Capitalization


  1. Capitalize every first word in every sentence 
  1. Capitalize the word “I” 
  1. Capitalize proper nouns and names 
  1. A British author, Charles Dickens, has finished writing his novel about his travel to England to visit a Catholic Church. 
  1. Capitalize months 
  1. Capitalize titles 
  1. Do not capitalize partial nouns 
  1. Capitalize the first word after a quote 
  1. Sarah joyfully said, “We’re going to visit Paris on October.” She is a world traveler. 

