Cooking at Home #5 (option 1)

I made banana bread for this cooking at home. First i used touch while preparing all of the ingredients and doing the mis en place. Then i used eyesight while mixing the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. I heard the batter being put into the pan and being smoothed out. I then used smell when the banana bread was cooking in the oven. Finally i used taste when the banana bread was finished cooking and i got to try it. I did use a recipe for this dish. If i was going to make this dish again i may add chocolate chips to it. A challenge i had to over come was peeling the bananas because they were frozen and the peel was hard to remove. I overcame this challenge by using a knife to peel the bananas. My greatest success of this dish was the final product because of how good it tasted. I am most proud of the finished product because it was successful. Here is a link to the recipe!


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