My favourite YouTube clip:
I chose this because it shows what social media can do in our society. For real, there are actually people who are so insecure about their body, including me. When you spend half an hour to an hour deciding what to wear for school is stressful. People sometime makes jokes about your body and they don’t even know that it’s offending you so you start to see it and you bring yourself down. You see these girls/boys on social media especially on Instagram and you think to yourself “Oh my, I wish I had their body, they’re literally perfect and they have abs and I wish I had their curves,” or “Damn it :/ I wish I had their eyes, they’re so light,” “Their lashes are so long, I want them ughh,” and “They’re nose is so pointy and their lips are perfect.” I get compliments about my Instagram feed/posts. They say that I’m photogenic and they wish they had my body but really I’m of those insecure girls. There was at one point where I was really confident about my body and my facial features but there was this one girl who said “Your nose is too big and it’s flat!” and that made my self-esteem really low and since then I got really insecure about my nose. Overtime, I realized that no one is near perfect, everyone has their own flaws and I decided to try to love my flaws and It’s not an easy process but I don’t think that you should remind or point out people’s flaws because I think they know their flaws more than you do. You shouldn’t really care about what people think because most of the time, they only try to bring you down and for what? because they know that they’re below you and they’re just jealous. Learn to love yourself and it’s not an easy process but it’s okay, it’s all worth it in the end.

A picture that is meaningful to me:

I chose this picture because it’s meaningful to me. It reminds me of my home country, the Philippines. This year, I went to the Philippines and visited. I went to the beach with my cousins and one of my cousins took this picture. When I look at it, it reminds me of all the things I did in the Philippines and my cousins, my friends, my relatives. I lived there for 9 years so I had a childhood there. It’s something I would look at when I need something to cheer me up. It reminds me of the good old days.

My favourite website:

I chose this site because I love reading and this website has Filipino stories written by talented Authors. The stories on the site is great, relatable and sad. I’ve actually cried a lot reading the stories because It was so relatable and realistic.

History of my birthday:

Sigismund is crowned emperor of Rome.

The Godiva procession, commemorating Lady Godiva’s legendary ride while naked, becomes part of the Coventry Fair.

At the Battle of Fair Oaks, Union General George B. McClellan defeats Confederates outside of Richmond.

New York’s Madison Square Garden opens its doors for the first time.

Johnstown, Pennsylvania is destroyed by a massive flood.

U.S. troops arrive in Peking to help put down the Boxer Rebellion.

The Boer War ends with the Treaty of Vereeniging

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) holds its first conference.

The 17th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, providing for direct election of senators, is ratified.

A German zeppelin makes an air raid on London.

British and German fleets fight in the Battle of Jutland.

The first flight over the Pacific takes off from Oakland.

An armistice is arranged between the British and the Iraqis.

The Supreme Court orders that states must end racial segregation “with all deliberate speed.”

Adolf Eichmann, the former SS commander, is hanged near Tel Aviv, Israel.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono record “Give Peace a Chance.”

Israel and Syria sign an agreement on the Golan Heights.

Zimbabwe proclaims its independence.

President Ronald Reagan arrives in Moscow, the first American president to do so in 14 years.
