Self-love Poetry Anthology


Something innovative about my booklet is that I own most of the pictures I used so I didn’t have to search for pictures online and i also digitally outline the picture of the first and last page. I just decided to look at my photos and look for poetry that kind of match with the photos I have and that’s how i came up with the idea of using my own pictures. I enjoyed finding the poems and drawing my background for my title page. I would improve on the drawing i did. I rushed it because I ran out of time and I feel like if i just had more time, I could colour it and make it better. I learned that you can turn any PowerPoint document into a flip-book.

Speech Unit Reflection

I learned quite a few things especially when debating with someone. I learned how to gain the power during a debate, how to answer properly and how to waste time. I also learned ways how to find better information by using commands on google and I will for sure use it in the future. It was very helpful. I already knew how to cite sources and websites but finding better information by like i saw, using commands on goggle is a life saver. I found the articles very useful for my topic because my topic was marijuana and since it’s a drug, articles are very useful sources. I think i could improve on digging a bit more of information in the future.