My Digital Footprint

When i searched my name up, it had 2 results. My two facebook accounts that my Mom mad ever since I was a child and when i clicked on “images.” It showed a picture of me from instagram. I’m not really surprised about anything since I have social medias and google has the acces to everything. The fact that it shows my profile and all my posts is an example of sharing information to all the people out there. It won’t affect my future or anything because all i post on facebook are pictures of travelling and I only post once in a while.

Since you can’t really put accounts on private even if there’s a button saying to make the account private, the company still has the access to all the accounts. Make your account appropriate for people. Don’t post any unnecessary things that shouldn’t be posted. Only add the people i know. That way, in the future when you’re at an interview, some people research for a background check.

9 must have social networking apps - ZeroWaste - Medium

Most Memorable Food Experience

My most memorable food experience is when we had a Filipino boodle in the Philippines. In a Boodle fight, the food is placed on the long tables or any large surface lined with banana leaf. Several types of Filipino foods are laid out on the banana leaf. The rule is, there are no plates, you eat on the side of the leaves where there are open spots and you’re standing up while eating. You don’t use any utensils, you use your hands to eat. I had a boodle fight with my cousins, family relatives by the beach, we were in an open hut. The breeze was very nice, the sunset was breathtaking, I can hear the waves, it was very calming, oh and the smell was amazing and eating all the food with the people I love was memorable.

Self-love Poetry Anthology


Something innovative about my booklet is that I own most of the pictures I used so I didn’t have to search for pictures online and i also digitally outline the picture of the first and last page. I just decided to look at my photos and look for poetry that kind of match with the photos I have and that’s how i came up with the idea of using my own pictures. I enjoyed finding the poems and drawing my background for my title page. I would improve on the drawing i did. I rushed it because I ran out of time and I feel like if i just had more time, I could colour it and make it better. I learned that you can turn any PowerPoint document into a flip-book.

Industrial Revolution



I was able to find the problem since the fist few cameras were very heavy and complicated for non professional photography users. The inventors basically made better cameras after so that it’s useful for everyone especially the non professionals. I don’t exactly know or have the vision of the design of the cameras in the future but i do have the idea on how it will work. Our technology is getting better and better as time goes on. I’m not really satisfied with the work I’ve done because I think I could’ve done better by digging more information.

Speech Unit Reflection

I learned quite a few things especially when debating with someone. I learned how to gain the power during a debate, how to answer properly and how to waste time. I also learned ways how to find better information by using commands on google and I will for sure use it in the future. It was very helpful. I already knew how to cite sources and websites but finding better information by like i saw, using commands on goggle is a life saver. I found the articles very useful for my topic because my topic was marijuana and since it’s a drug, articles are very useful sources. I think i could improve on digging a bit more of information in the future.

The American Revolution Timeline

I knew my information were reliable because I used a citation site and I also used the textbook. I used PowerPoint because it’s easier to use and work with. I think I did good with the result of my design, it’s not bad but it’s not too good either. If I had to redo the project, I’d start right away and not wait till the last minute.