Core Competency Chem 12

When collaborating with my partner in a titration lab, we make sure to communicate effectively and divide the work based on our strengths and weaknesses. For example, My partner may be better at measuring the chemicals while I may be better at recording the data. We also make sure to be patient with each other and answer any questions that may arise. Once the experiment is complete, we clean up together to ensure that the lab is left in good condition and that all equipment is properly stored. By collaborating in this way, we are able to complete the lab efficiently and successfully. We also take turns performing different tasks in the lab so that we both have a chance to learn and practice different skills. For example, one day I may measure the chemicals while my partner records the data, and the next day we may switch roles. This allows us to both develop a deep understanding of the lab procedure and build our skills. Finally, we make sure to celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes. If we complete the lab successfully, we take a moment to congratulate each other and reflect on what we did well. If we encounter any challenges or make any mistakes, we work together to identify what went wrong and how we can improve for next time. By collaborating in this way, we are able to build a strong partnership and achieve success in the lab.

Core Competency

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group;I do my share. During the titration lab, we were required to work in partners. I was responsible for recording the mass of the solution, and washing the buret before using it to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by adding a solution of a known solution. I can work with others to achieve a goal. By working with my partner, we achieved our goal of determining the molar concentration if two acid solutions by conducting titration with a base solution of known concentration.