My Digital Footprint

When i searched my name up, it had 2 results. My two facebook accounts that my Mom mad ever since I was a child and when i clicked on “images.” It showed a picture of me from instagram. I’m not really surprised about anything since I have social medias and google has the acces to everything. The fact that it shows my profile and all my posts is an example of sharing information to all the people out there. It won’t affect my future or anything because all i post on facebook are pictures of travelling and I only post once in a while.

Since you can’t really put accounts on private even if there’s a button saying to make the account private, the company still has the access to all the accounts. Make your account appropriate for people. Don’t post any unnecessary things that shouldn’t be posted. Only add the people i know. That way, in the future when you’re at an interview, some people research for a background check.

9 must have social networking apps - ZeroWaste - Medium