Positive Learner Identity

Strength: Reading for Information

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.

I have repeatedly demonstrated this strength within my 20th Century World History class. Often the sets of assigned textbook questions offer a good opportunity to grow this strength. I first evaluate the questions given then read through the relevant text as outlined by the teacher. While reading I stop myself to answer each question once I feel the topic discussed has changed, this has proven to be a useful strategy as the answers to the questions often come up in accordance with the sequence of questions. This has allowed me to answer many questions with a confident understanding of the material and enabled me to effectively identify holes in my knowledge to be remedied with questions or additional research.

Positive Learner Identity

Organizing your binder and digital files

In numerous classes I have had to draw from my OneDrive to insert my work and it has aided me on many occasions. In Earth Science 11 specifically, almost all of the assignments were to be done through Teams, as such, renaming my files and following a consistent naming convention became a great boon and helped me make sense of the various files I have, allowing me to quickly and efficiently find the correct pieces of work. Because I immediately take the necessary steps to have my own version of the file uploaded onto my OneDrive with a new name, I can easily find files that are both in their correct folders – organized by class – and those which are incorrectly placed. As such, I have been highly successful when it comes to submitting my work on time and inputting the correct versions of files.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.

I always attempt to approach new challenges with an open mind, this allows me to maintain my focus for longer and reduce stress incurred by the newly introduced workload of the most recent task. Having an organized method of classification for my files helps me reduce the time it takes to hunt down my work when submitting it, allowing more time to be put towards actually comprehending the instructions and doing said work.

Positive Learner Identity 

My OneDrive folders


Organizing my binder and digital files

It is very important to me that I have saved all of my work to specific places on both my computer and OneDrive as it helps keep me focused and organized and mitigate time spent searching for specific files.

In the vast majority of my classes, I have organized my digital work on OneDrive into a Centennial High School folder, then into specific classes such as Social Studies 10, Earth Science 11 and so on. This helps me save my work and easily find each file later. In Drafting, however, I had to work from home on multiple occasions in order to accomplish my work at a quality I was satisfied with, this was a struggle because the teacher was only able to view the class’s work if it was saved on one of the local drives. Because it was the first time I had saved multiple iterations of a project – (the Cabinet project) – at different states on my computer, it became even more important – and more of a challenge – to stay organized. This was also the first time I had to put files on a USB to transfer to one of Centennial’s drives rather than simply saving to one of my folders on OneDrive. Because of these factors, it became frustrating to find the correct files to upload as my finished work, however, after some time and digging, I eventually found the correct files and learned about how I could better organize my files outside of OneDrive. Today, I am much better at organizing those kinds of files than I was previously and the ways I organize them now is much cleaner allowing me to feel more confident when I save my work and more successfully hand in assignments.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.

In the future, this strength will help me with all of my classes that deal with digital work by letting me easily find and upload files. The way in which I organize my folders and files will also help me move them elsewhere when needed.