Independent Novel Study Review

Because of Mr. Terupt

The Writing Process

I really liked reading and writing a review about this book. I found difficulties while working when I had to find an antagonist. Because of Mr. Terupt doesn’t have a person or group of people who are holding the protagonist back. Instead I found that the antagonist was actually an emotion that each one of the protagonists were feeling, which was more difficult for me to figure out. I enjoyed writing about the book, however, I did find it hard sometimes to find the motivation to sit down and read. I overcame this by just settling down and getting it over with, but once I started reading then I didn’t want to stop. I ended up finishing the book and the writing before Spring break was over. This assignment helped me to not procrastinate as much as I usually would, which is a skill I will translate into my other classes.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my book review presentation.
I demonstrated the “Communication Competency” when I was speaking loud and clear so that even the people in the back of the room could hear my presentation.

When I need to re-focus, I take a small walk then just do what I need to do (ex. homework).
I demonstrated the “Personal Awareness and Responsibility Competency” when I had to often re-focus and motivate myself to sit down and read. I did this by taking a short walk outside and clearing my head, then getting back to reading.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as completing homework early, I play video games.
I demonstrated the “Personal Awareness and Responsibility Competency” when I completed all of my homework, including the book review project, before Spring break had even ended. I celebrated by spending the rest of my time relaxing, watching movies, and playing video games.