Core Competency Self-Assessment


I talked and worked with a lot of new people I met in this course to help me learn more about sewing and to get to know each other. My group worked together on many assignments we do in class and helping each other with seam samples. My group helped me complete my project too by giving me tips and showing me some techniques I didn’t know before such as how to wind a bobbin.

Critical Thinking and Artifact

My artifact is my first sewing project, elastic waist shorts. I developed my critical thinking skills throughout this project, I ran into a problem right away when I was pinning my pattern to my fabric and realized I didn’t have enough fabric to make what I originally had planned so I had decided to make shorts instead so I wouldn’t need as much fabric. later I ran into a problem when I sewed the wrong part of my fabric and I had to cut it off but because I gave myself more fabric when I started so I was able to make those mistakes because of my planning before hand my project was able to still turn out without the sizing being off.

Elastic waist shorts

Core Competency Self-Assesment

Critical And Reflective thinking

Our criminal justice system should be based on rehabilitaion. We have the system to protect society from harm punishing the offender doesnt help them for when they get out of prison theyre just going to try and not get caught again, but they are still the same person they were when they chose to comit the crime the last time so why would we expect them to not do it again. Focusing on rehabilitation is better for the offender so they can reintergrate back into society and not recommit, it also helps our community overall so we know the people who are leaving jail are ready to be law-abiding members of the community.

Taking law has taught me how to analize evidence to make judgements because we do this often in class when we go through real cases and look at the evidence and the outcome and sometimes the class doesnt always agree with the outcome. I have to look at the evidence provided and determain what story it supports to be accurate and then make my judgement based on that.

This activity helped me to look back on the skills i have learned so far in my law class.

Core Competency Self-Assessment: Food Studies

Critical Thinking

I used the core competency critical thinking during our cupcake lab. My partner and I had planned to use piping bags and tips to frost our cupcakes but we realized that there were no more piping tips left, we used critical thinking and decided to use a plastic bag and cut a small hole in the end to work as our piping bag. Our cupcakes were also a different shape, we used critical thinking to discover that its because we did not use cupcake liners and that effected the shape of our cupcakes.


Spoken Language 11 Debating

debate clipart – Bing images

My Debate Topic

The death penalty should be reinstated in Canada.

Taylor JMars
Taylor EBrianna

The other side said that the death penalty is a deterrent and listed about four places in the world that they said had the death penalty and low death rates to prove this, however they failed to take into consideration that to properly do a study to try and prove that the death penalty stops citizens from committing crimes we need to look at the world as a whole and not just pick out certain places which have the death penalty and happen to have low crime rates as well. Doing this doesn’t account for all the places that have abolished capital punishment and have low crime rates like Denmark and Switzerland. No studies have been done that can support the claim that the death penalty works as a deterrent.

My Debate Reflection

In our debate unit while I was beginning to write my rebuttal I realized I would need to do some research of the other side so I could prepare for what I was going to say, while I was researching the other side I learned much more about the topic that I didn’t hear about before, this is because the articles and information I was taking in was by people who were very against capital punishment so some information was not given, that being said the new articles that were extremely pro death penalty also left out some important factors you would want to look at, however I think its important we hear every side. Debating helped me learn that when you want to fully learn about a topic its important to look at different perspectives of it rather than maybe only ever hearing a certain groups opinion on it.

The Best Resource I Found

Canada, Public Safety. Indigenous People in Federal Custody Surpasses 30% Correctional Investigator Issues Statement and Challenge. 21 Jan. 2020,

I chose this as my best resource because this article talks about the undeniable issue Canada has with racism in our legal system. I think this is important with the death penalty debate because if we were to reinstate this in Canada black and indigenous people will be targeted by this and therefore die at disproportionate rates.

My Favorite Quote

“Also, people don’t commit crimes expecting to be caught and do you honestly think any person who was seriously thinking about committing mass murder would not do it because there scarred of the death penalty, I don’t think so”

I chose this as my quote because I think it worked well in my rebuttal. I wanted to steer away from just reading the judges and listeners a whole bunch of statistics and websites and instead give them good reasons why there arguments do not hold much merit.

Works Cited

Government of Canada, Department of Justice. Indigenous Overrepresentation in the Criminal Justice System – JustFacts. 9 Sept. 2019,

Canada, Public Safety. Indigenous People in Federal Custody Surpasses 30% Correctional Investigator Issues Statement and Challenge. 21 Jan. 2020,

Press ·, The Canadian. “Canada Failing Black, Indigenous Prisoners as Overrepresentation Persists: Report | CBC News.” CBC, 2 Nov. 2022,

Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. Police-Reported Crime Statistics in Canada, 2021. 2 Aug. 2022,

“ThoughtCo.Com Is the World’s Largest Education Resource.” ThoughtCo, Accessed 2 June 2023. 

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information when I researched for my debate include looking at what year the data was collected in, what websites I’m using and to look at the people who are conducting these studies and how reliable they are.

One of the ways I ensure my partner and I are clear on the common purpose is to communicate and read each others speeches so we knew who was saying what so we do not spend time going over things that have already been said.

I used to think it would cost more money to house an inmate for a life sentence rather then killing them, and now I know that it costs more money to house and execute a death row inmate because the long awaited trials cost us more money the long period of time the individual will spend incarcerated awaiting these trials cost us money and actually executing the person cost us money in resources and someone who now must do this.

An example of an idea I developed that was not likely considered by my opposition was the fact that not all people who have there loved ones killed want the death penalty for the person responsible. Studies show it fails to bring closure and many of them do not want another person dead and the long trials that will come with this process are extremely difficult on the loved ones of the victim.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

I demonstrated social awareness during this assignment in the safety at centennial paragraph. To get my opinion on if safety is taken seriously here at centennial I had to interact with people and observe what was going on around me. This skill is important because I can use it in everyday life when I am with others or in a group of people. I learned that I use social awareness in everyday life without realizing it.

Internment Camps

We must not create and use these internment camps. By having these camps innocent Japanese Canadians will be taken against their will and forced to stay in them. The Canadian government should not have the power to hold their citizens in camps, even if they believe there might be a threat. Now more than ever the government should be smarter with what they decide to spend money on. We do not have enough money to make poor decisions, we are at war and therefore our money should go straight to supporting the military with the things they desperately need such as food, guns, aircrafts, and proper gear for fighting. Because of these reasons I do not support the Internment camps and believe we must find a more humane way to protect ourselves from the Japanese. Our citizens are not the enemy and should not be treated as such. 

Core Competency

I now understand what is important to me and I can explain my values. 

I now understand and can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems effectively and responsibly. 

I can now understand and tell, after examining the facts of the possible threat from Japanese Canadians in Canada and the opinions of various people, the difference between fact and opinion 

Curricular Competency

I did assess and explained the changes the Japanese Canadians went through. In my research handout.  

I made an ethical judgement about the action of internment the Japanese Canadians in my paragraph. 

I did assess, understood, and explained the significance of the threat of the Japanese army and its treatment of people it conquered, in British Columbia, in my research handout and paragraph. 

CPR Reflection

My Product

American Heart Association CPR & First Aid

CPR Reflection

I learned that CPR is very hard and can take a lot of practice and that most CPR is actually done wrong because of how difficult it is to do it hard and fast enough.

My main takeaway is that i would feel a little bit more comfortable if i had to do CPR in an emergency. I dont think that i would be great at it but i know more than i did before.

The CPR unit and nutrition unit tie in together because if you have high blood cholesterol or high blood pressure you have a higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke, and good nutrition can help prevent having high blood cholesterol or high blood pressure.

Core Competency Reflection

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I did this during our CPR unit if i didnt understand anything about how to do it i asked the teacher or another student

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I did this assighnment to share what i learned during our CPR unit in a clear organized way.

I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. I try to talk to most people in the class and im always kind when i talk to someone new so everyone feels welcome in our gym class.

I can tell the difference between facts and opinions. During our nutrition unit many people had diffrent opinions on some of the diets weather they thought they were good or bad. Many people thought the keto diet was very unhealthy and not good for losing weight but thats not the case and im able to see that not everything you hear is a fact and sometimes its just an opinion.

I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community. I need to work on trying to participate in everything during class. I find it hard to participate during everything because sometimes i have a lot of anxiety when i have to do something infront of a group of people.