Desert Island Project

Desert Island Artifact

About The Project

For the above project I had to create a government and legal code that details how society will function on a desert island scenario. This project involves creativity to create a legal code as well as the ethical and moral aspects of law.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in how I outlined the system of government and legal code to clear up any confusion and any questions that may be raised against a legal code. I also communicated purposefully when comparing my code to others. I demonstrated the ability to make judgements and decisions in my code which can be seen in the punishments and rights outlined. I made moral and ethical decisions to produce a fair and just code as well as a society that will function smoothly. Also, I develop and weigh my options as demonstrated by the moral aspect of the code. I was able to take both sides of situations to make punishments that were fair but also contribute to society and bring justice to the community. I am willing to explore controversial issues such as justice in order to imagine and work toward change in myself or the world including, the development of society based on the procedures and punishments laid out in legal codes.

Curricular Competency Reflection

I was able to create a government that highlights ethical judgments about controversial decisions, legislation and policy. I was able to consider the ethics and morals of punishments given out to infractions of the law as well as both sides of scenarios to make sure that society continues to move forward and justice is maintained. I was able to create a strong legislation by detailing the procedures and systems that would be followed with the goal of expanding society. I made sure to highlight policy in the project by outlining various rights and freedoms to make sure that society is kept calm and that governments could not be oppressive towards society as a whole or against specific groups.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I demonstrated the thinking core competency in my assignment which had to do with poetry. I demonstrated the critical and reflective thinking section when I analyzed the poem to extract the meaning and effectiveness of the figurative language used throughout. I also made connections with the research and the figurative language. I also used the creative thinking competency when making a new poem from an existing line by synthesizing the meaning of the line into a new idea. In summary, I demonstrated both thinking sections of the core competency to produce this assignment

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Acid-Base Titration Lab

I demonstrated the critical and reflective thinking core competency in the acid-base titration lab. I demonstrated this core competency by analyzing the situation to make sure that we could have accurate results and answers. Specifically, I took the data from the first two trials, which we could not use in the final calculations, to refine and expedite the process when conducting the titration. The strategy that I used was to compare the trials to figure out how much was too much and I was successful in the following two trials and I could use those results for the final calculations. Following the conclusion of the trials, I used the critical thinking strategies to figure out how to use the data to make correct calculations. I used the knowledge that I had gained in the solutions unit to arrive at the final answer and be able to apply the lab to the discussion questions on the back. Finally, I used the critical thinking competency once more when writing my conclusion. When writing my conclusion, I had to infer and use my thinking skills to correctly identify the sources of error and implications of each. I did this by reflecting on the lab process and using my knowledge that I had gained previously. All in all, I demonstrated the thinking core competency fully throughout the acid-base titration lab.

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