Carnival Table, Flyer, and Paragraph Reflection

One core competency that I demonstrated was the communication competency. I used this competency in the assignment because I had to think about the way that I was going to convey the criteria in a way that is best suited for the ones that are going to view it. I did this by making sure that my assignment had an appeal to it while still staying within the boundaries of the assignment. Another core competency that I demonstrated was the creative thinking competency. I creatively thought during the creation of the assignment by developing my ideas through new and already existing topics. I did this by using my creative mind to create a unique design that is demonstrative of this competency. Also, I demonstrated the critical thinking competency in this assignment. I demonstrated it by considering different ways to approach the creation of the flyer. The different ways that I considered are various designs and design creators to arrive at a final product that is demonstrative of this core competency.

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