Core Competency Chemistry

I demonstrated the core competency of communication by working together with a partner and being able to complete the lab together. This lab was determining the solubility of a product constant, and it was a fun lab that took a lot of communication and work to complete. My partner and I worked together and communicated to get the right materials and right steps in order to do the lab. When we got stuck on something, we talked to each other to figure out what to do or what we did wrong, and if we still got stuck, we would then ask another group for help and also help another group if they needed help. I didn’t just talk to my partner as I would talk to other people in other groups to understand the lab fully and be able to do it successfully. Being able to bounce ideas off of each other was helpful as there were plenty of people sharing ideas and listening to each other to fully understand the lab.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication, Thinking, Personal Awareness

This is a the full pig that we dissected. It is fully cut open and we can see all of its parts including the heart, intestines, and stomach.

I demonstrated the 3 core competency’s in the piggy dissection lab by communicating, thinking, and personal awareness. We first started with communicating with each other and explaining what it is we all have to do. This would make it easier for us to complete because we all communicated and figured out what we needed to all do. When we struggled, we would talk and come up with new ideas to try and help each other. In order to do so, we needed to think as well. We would be able to come up with better ideas off each other’s so that cutting the pig would be easier and less stressful. When there was a problem or we got stuck, we would stop and think of what to do to overcome the problem together, and would bounce ideas off each other to create the best possible outcome for the project. We had goals to complete at the start of the project, and overtime we would work together and achieve them as well as learn what we were doing. If we had to, we would go in at lunch or flex to finish what we needed to do so that we could still be able to achieve our goals. The next time, we could try and work faster so that we won’t need to go in at lunch or flex, but it wasn’t a huge deal because we still got it done and were able to accomplish the goals that we set.

The Crucible Essay

The purpose of this essay is to create a better understanding for the characters found in Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible. Many of these individuals behave in a specific way that may cause the reader to be confused. However, by using Kohlberg’s moral precepts, one can obtain a better understanding for the motivation the individuals had for behaving as they are portrayed. This essay will look at the three different categories of Kohlberg’s moral precepts and use them to illustrate the motivation each character felt. These three categories are pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional.  

There are many pre-conventional characters in the Crucible. These characters behave in such a way that it allows them to obtain reward and avoid punishment. To begin with, Betty Parris is seen as a pre-conventional character. She has been sleeping for an extended period when Abigail storms in and yells, “[Betty] Stop this now.” This illustrates Betty is pre-conventional because she is pretending to be asleep so that she would not get blamed and punished for what she has done. She went dancing with the other girls in the forest, but since everyone in the town is a puritan, it is illegal. Betty knew that once she woke up, she would be in a lot of trouble. Of course, she did not want to get into all that trouble, so she lay there pretending to be asleep, but Abigail knew what was going on, therefore she was trying to wake up Betty by screaming at her. Another character is Thomas Putnam. He is being accused that he is the reason why George Jacobs is in jail, but he quickly denies the accusation and calls it “a lie” directly to Danforth. The reason why Putnam is calling it a lie is because he does not want to be imprisoned for Corey’s accusation, and because if George Jacobs is in prison, that means all his land is up for sale. Putnam is the only person in the town that can afford his land, thus he wants Jacobs in jail so that he can buy the property. Because of this behaviour, it is clear that Putnam wants to avoid punishment and have the opportunity to receive a reward. Lastly, there is Mary Warren, who is espied as being a character that acts in such way to avoid punishment. Mary appears like this when John Proctor is about to whip her because she is trying to find the devil, but Mary abruptly points to Elizabeth Proctor and says that she “saved her life today” which then immediately stopped John from whipping her. This gave Mary time to explain herself about how she saved Elizabeth’s life so that John would not beat her. Mary saving Elizabeth’s life is the right thing to do anyways, but she only told John because she was about to get whipped. She would not have told them if she was not under the pressure of getting abused, and this shows that Mary only reacted this way to avoid punishment. It is evident that in this literature, there are several pre-conventional characters.  

 In this play, there are plenty of conventional characters. Conventional behaviour consists of an individual behaving in a specific way to receive approval and acceptance from a group. As we know, Mary is a pre-conventional character, but she is also seen as a conventional character. She is seen like this because the whole village is talking about witchcraft, and Mary does not want everyone to be “callin [her a] witch.” Therefore, Mary decides not to say anything and to keep quiet so that she will not ruin her name in the village. If she stayed quiet and no one knew about her being involved in witchery, she would still have a good name and be accepted by everyone in the town. Realizing this, Mary decides not to tell the truth, but just to stay quiet and still be liked by the people. Clearly, the right thing to do is to tell the truth, but Mary wants to be accepted as a good person by the village, and this choice shows the conventional behaviour by Mary Warren. The next character is Mercy Lewis. As Abigail was impersonating Mary, all the girls, including Mercy followed and replied with, “Abby you mustn’t.” This demonstrates that Mercy went along with the group and followed what Abigail did. Mercy knew that Abigail was being dishonorable, but since all the other girls were following Abigail, Mercy did not want to feel left out. So, she went along and copied the rest of the girls just so that she could fit in and feel accepted. Lastly, Hale is discovered to behave in such a manner as to fit in and be accepted by the group. As he is introduced to the other characters, immediately he sees Rebecca Nurse and compliments her by saying she “look[s] as such a good soul should.” This interaction shows Hale is trying to make a good first impression on Rebecca and the others, especially because he believes he is superior to them. By doing this, Parris, Putnam and everybody else will accept Hale into the group and eventually Hale will act as the leader towards them. Hale is only behaving in this way so that he can be liked and fit in with everyone as he is introduced. This will give him a better opportunity to get closer to them, but to still feel superior over the others. It is tangible that there are numerous conventional characters in Arthur Miller’s writing.  

Finally, there are multifarious post conventional characters in The Crucible. This is when you act in a way that reflects an internalized sense of right and wrong. The sense of morality is not affected by reward, punishment, or by group acceptance. The first character that displays post conventional behaviour is Rebecca Nurse. She shows this when she is forced to tell the truth about speaking with the devil but cannot because “it is a lie” and she does not want too “damn” herself. At this point in the play, John has confessed, and they are trying to make Rebecca confess as well, but Rebecca knows that it is not true and will not admit anything. She knows if she does not come clean, she will be hanged, but she has no concern for the punishment that she will receive as long as she is standing for what she believes in. Rebecca is behaving like this because she believes in telling the truth, and she would rather die telling the truth than lie but be alive. In addition, there is Betty Parris. All of sudden, Betty wakes up and screams, “You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife” to Abigail and the other girls in the room. Betty did this to stick up for the other girls and to prove to them that Abigail is evil. Betty did what she thought was right, even though she knew that Abigail would then proceed to slap her for saying what she said. There was no concern for any punishment, in fact Betty was aware of how corrupt Abigail had become and just wanted the girls to know what Abigail is capable of doing and how villainous she really is. At last, there is Giles Corey who behaved in a way that illustrated his beliefs and had no worries about any punishment he was going to face. Giles was being pressed with heavy weights, and for them to take off the weights, Giles had to confess, but the only thing that he said was, “more weight” because he did not want to talk. This behaviour demonstrates that Giles was not bothered for the punishment that was about to happen to him because if he stayed silent, he would still die as a Christian. Because Giles died as a Christian, his children would receive his land and still be wealthy. So, Giles stayed silent and took the punishment so that his kids would stay wealthy and succeed. This is what Giles believed in, and he did not care to be punished as long as what he believed in was right. To conclude, in The Crucible, there are countless post conventional characters. 

This paper has made it evident that many characters within this play behave in a strange, and possibly a confusing manner. Although, by taking each character and using a direct quote from the play, along with deconstructing the motivations, their behaviour and the reasons behind it have become clear. Kohlberg’s principles are seen as a valuable vehicle that aids the reader in a better understanding of the play as well as human nature in general. This essay has achieved what it was created to do, and it gave greater insight into the literature along with the characters.

Core Competency Goals

I plan to work well with others- My goal is to be able to communicate with others and being able to finish the project without any concerns or arguments. Being able to do this will make my school work so much easier since there will be no wasted time arguing or messing around. I will be determined to work with others and help do the work needed by listening to the teacher so I know what I am doing, and by understanding what it is we have to do so that I can help others and do the project together.

I plan to ask questions when I need help- Normally I don’t ask a lot of questions because I am scared of the teacher telling me it is a dumb question or the other kids in my class telling me it is a stupid question. But this year, I need to ask all the questions so that I can understand the assignment and be able to succeed when doing the assignment. It will also help me gain confidence in asking questions since I would be asking many questions, and it would help me with the assignments since I will actually understand how to do it.

I plan on using the flex times as best as I can- This opportunity of having flex times everyday is really valuable to me because I always tend to need help in my courses, and having the extra thirty minutes with a teacher is beneficial to me because that is where I can get the extra help that I need in order to finish and understand what it is I have to do. I also won’t have to do as much at home because I will be doing more homework during the flex time which is really beneficial to me because I have hockey almost everyday and won’t have time to do lots of homework at home.

Physics Edu Blog Post

I effectively did my work in terms of communication and interactions because both my partner and I communicated so that we could finish our project in time. We each got materials to use for our scooter project, and interacted well to complete the project in time. We helped each other out when we needed help, and it worked well for us so that we could have our scooter move with two pennies on top of it. Figuring out how to make our scooter was easy because we both thought of what to do, and we combined both our ideas together to create the best scooter possible.

I was valuable to my team because I created the scooter and helped write the paragraphs for the PowerPoint. I got materials so that we could make the scooter possible, plus I created the idea of how to make the scooter after thinking for a long time of what we could do so that the scooter could move with pennies on it. My partner was also valuable to the team because he helped build the scooter, and finished the PowerPoint when I had to leave to go to Calgary. He finished the PowerPoint, and we handed it in later once I got back. We were both valuable to the team, and without us, the scooter wouldn’t be possible.

I learned from working in a group this project that it takes a team effort to build whatever it is we need to. Working together is so valuable in the future because you will need to be able to communicate with whoever to finish the project or anything in life. The communication skills learned from group work is extremely important in the future, and I will take learning how to work in a group from this project to my advantage. Carrying on to next year, I know that I will have more group projects, so what I have learned from this last one is that we have to be on the same page otherwise we will not get the project in on time. It can be easy to be on track if we just communicate with each other and figure out what we are doing together. This is one of the many lessons that I have learned from working in a group.

Group Work in Math

The pros for group work are that we get to work with our friends and talk to different people while working, and also that we can learn from others instead of always the teachers. It is different when learning from others, but it can be better because they are the same age as me, so the understanding could be the same as mine. The cons of group work are that we can get distracted easily and not do work, and that we might not learn as much because it isn’t the teacher that is teaching and helping us.

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to talk to everyone in the group and discuss what the disagreement is, so that we can talk it out and avoid the disagreements. It helps because everyone gets a chance to talk about what it is they want to talk about while everyone is listening. This gives everyone a opportunity to discuss, and once everyone has said what they wanted to say, we then decide what we want to do with everyone’s opinion. Sometimes it is obvious who is right and what we want to do, but sometimes it is hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. When that happens, it is more of a struggle, but we all think of what is right, and then try and decide on it as a team.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/see everyone sitting together and it being quiet, but some people talking and asking questions to each other. This is the best type of work because everyone is being productive and doing work, while also helping each other out and asking questions to figure what it is they need to. Sometimes when it is dead silent, that is also a good thing because it shows that everyone is doing their own work without distracting others, and they are just focusing on themselves.

If the group is not productive, we can take a break to clear our heads and chill out for a bit in order to get things moving in the right direction. We can do this because it is better to have a break and rest our brains, then to go right at it nonstop without giving our brains a break because if we do that, we won’t be as productive and it will just be a waste of time. But if we have a small break, it calms us down and rests our brains so that when we come back, we will be focused again and will be able to do work and be productive rather than sitting there and trying to do work when we know that we need a break.

If I notice that my group is struggling to answer the questions, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking another group or asking the teacher. Asking other groups can be beneficial because they might have answered the questions already and know what they are doing so that we could understand it in a kids point of view, because sometimes the teachers are too advanced for us and we don’t understand what they are saying. So, asking another group can be more helpful since we can understand them more than the teacher sometimes. Although, if no one knows the answer, asking the teacher is always helpful because they know what their talking about since it’s there class.

What I learned from working in a group this semester that I will carry on to my next group experience is that sometimes some people don’t do any work, and some people do more work than the rest. This is something that I have learned and will remember for next time because then I will choose people that will do equal amount of work because it is unfair for people to do more work than others. Especially when the other people are just messing around and not doing any work.


My Poem:

This is the poem I created about my hockey stick

Curricular Competencies Reflection:

The overall purpose of this poem was to write about how important hockey is to me, and I chose to write about my hockey stick because it is a really important asset to hockey. My intended audience for this poem was my teacher because it was an assignment that I had to do. This poem is personal and related to me because it is about hockey, and I have played hockey my whole life and is my favourite sport. I have learned so much from hockey and it has got me through life when other things didn’t, so this is a pretty personal topic. When I made this poem, I wanted this to be an interesting poem, so I thought this poem through and tried to add as many poetic devices as I could to try and make it interesting. I used imagery in this poem by using the sight and feel senses to create a detailed and engaging poem.

Creative Thinking Core Competency Reflection

I chose this topic for my poem because I love hockey and it is really important to me, so it would be easy to write about since I know so much about it. I have played it my whole life and the idea came up right away, which I then knew I would write about it. I formed my own ideas because I know so much about hockey, so it was easy to come up with new ideas. I just had to think about how to write the poem, but other than that, the ideas came up pretty easily. Some of my strategies that helped my imagination was to just think of me playing hockey. I would think about what I do on the ice and how I play, and once I had the imagination, it helped me write my poem a lot easier.

Most Successful Lab: Carrot Cake Muffin

For my most successful lab, it was the carrot cake. It was a moist orange muffin that I could smell all around the room. It smelt like carrots and was all similar shape and size. The muffin was soft and hot which made it taste a lot better. I chose this as my most successful lab because we made it with good teamwork and timing. While making the muffins, we didn’t overmix the dough, it was perfect. The communication was good and we worked as a team to complete making the muffins. We got all of the ingredients and measured it perfectly, and followed the recipe to make the muffins meet the product standards. We had a few challenges, and one challenge was pouring the dough into the muffin tray’s. We struggled with that and spilt a bit of the dough, but we overcame this by using two spoons to scoop up the dough so that it would make it easier to spread out. The greatest success into making this lab was how organized and prepared we were to make it. We mise en placed everything and read over the recipe a lot. After that we communicated what each of us were going to do and would help each other out if any of us needed help. It was a good team effort and we completed the lab with it tasting delicious and having time to eat it in class. I am most proud of us all working together and helping each other out, because normally groups are quite and don’t really talk or help each other out. But our group was the opposite, and we talked and did the work while having fun. The new skills I have learned while baking was that if you put dough into smaller dishes, it will cook faster. I also learned how to use the electric mixer so that it wouldn’t splash everywhere, which is useful because sometimes it splashes everywhere and it is annoying.

Most Challenging: Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Soup

The most challenging lab that we have made so far, was the broccoli cauliflower cheese soup. It was a hot, thick, chunky soup and looked greenish but smelt a bit like cauliflower. I could hear the sound of the broccoli and cauliflower getting squished. I chose this as the most challenging lab because it was really hard to make and confusing. When we were making the soup, we got confused about what we were doing, and it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to. When we were squishing the broccoli and cauliflower with the immersion blender, it was hard to do and I didn’t like the sound of when we were doing it at all. We met the product standards and it looked pretty good, but it didn’t taste the way that I wanted it to. I think the soup was thick, but it was too thick for my liking. We had to overcome how to cut the broccoli and cauliflower and how we have never cut any of those before, and it was tricky. We overcame it because we slowed down the cutting to make it more precious. The success in the lab was surprisingly the timing, after we cut everything, our timing was on point, and we finished it on time. The one thing I am proud of is that we kind of figured out how to make it, and we learned how to make soup from scratch which was pretty cool.

Favourite Lab: Breakfast Hash

My favourite lab so far was the breakfast hash and in it, there was potatoes, rutabaga, onions, bell peppers, brussels sprouts, bacon, cheese and eggs. The taste of this hash, was so flavourful, it was hot, lots of different tastes, and the cheese was stringy and delicious. The smell was amazing, I could smell the cheese and potatoes and it smelt so good. The texture was rough but soft and was really hot in my mouth. I could hear the potatoes and rutabaga sizzling and it was so satisfying. The look on the final product was incredible and it looked so good. I chose this lab as my favourite one because it tasted the best in my opinion, and it was really healthy. It also wasn’t that hard to make, and was fun. We had a few challenges because it was hard to cut the potatoes and rutabaga, but we eventually figured it out and cut it. Another challenge was figuring out if the potatoes were cooked enough because it was hard to take out and know if it’s ready. But we used a fork and poked it and it was soft enough. The greatest success for me was cooking the egg and putting it on top. I flipped it well and the yolk didn’t pop also. I am most proud with this experience because I have never had a hash before, but now I have and I experienced it and it was really good, and I am happy I got to experience tasting it.