Egypt Expert Rubric

We picked an expert topic to research on Egypt mid week.  Here is the rubric for the presentation (Tuesday and Wednesday presentations).

Rubric for Egyptian Experts

TOPIC Not Yet Meeting Minimal Meeting Meeting Exceeding

Historical Accuracy




Topic is not fully explained Topic is mostly accurate.  A few points are excluded Topic is mostly accurate.  Only minor details left out. Topic is explained very accurately and includes minor details.

Visual Splendor (and effort)




Project appears rushed or not well thought out. Project has minimally met grade level for effort.  Only a few images are used Project has had effort put into it and looks good.  Some images are used. Project has had extra efforts to make it look great.  Images of Egypt are eye catching

Thoroughness / Completeness




Topic is below grade level expectations for research and information. Project has multiple points and ideas on the topic.  Minor things are missing. Project has many things explain and meets grade 12 expectations for research. Project has all things about it explained.  It exceeds grade level expectations for information gathering.
Cultural Purpose in Egypt (importance) Does not deal with why the topic is important to Egypt.  Does not explain its cultural purpose. Minimally explains the cultural importance of the project. Project explains the cultural importance of the topic.  Some reflection on culture. Project explains the importance of the topic with thoughtful reflection and makes connections to other societies.

egypt exxpert rubric