Life-Saving Measures

List and briefly explain 3 of your takeaways from the CPR unit.

CPR is undoubtedly a valuable skill to possess, serving as a crucial asset in unforeseen emergencies, despite the wish that such situations never arise. However, with the addition of the new acronym “CCC” (constant chest compressions), which replaces the traditional 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths method, the fear associated with administering breaths to a stranger’s mouth is significantly mitigated, ensuring a continuous cycle of compressions until the individual regains consciousness. Furthermore, the CPR presentation also provided comprehensive guidance on the proper utilization of an AED, showing the step-by-step procedures and highlighting key locations where these life-saving devices are readily available in emergencies. During the presentation, they also gave us valuable insight as to how easily something like a heart attack can happen and why it is so necessary to be ready. Another thing I found quite helpful was showing us how to access a situation and tell if they’re in need of CPR. Notably, the presentation underscored the remarkable disparity in survival rates, revealing a stark contrast between the mere 10% chance of survival prior to CPR intervention and the remarkable 40% increase in survival rates following the administration of chest compressions. That is why I chose this presentation to be the one that I speak about. CPR (or CCC) is such a helpful skill and in the right situation it can entirely save a human life that is why this presentation why so important to me.

Critical and Reflective Thinking

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. This presentation helped me in my critical thinking by helping me analyze situations to make necessary decisions and judgements. Part of the presentation talked about how you can tell if someone is in need of CPR. This includes if they’re breathing, how to check someones pulse, to alert the authorities, if you are in a safe area for CPR, and much more.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection

Creative Thinking

I can form new ideas to create new things. My ability for ideation has been continually displayed throughout this project through my meticulous research of songs, unravelling their meanings and adeptly building a spectrum of prospective interpretations associated with varied psychological viewpoints. I go deeper into the emotional and psychological subtleties of a song, demonstrating my capacity to think critically about its meaning and offer creative insights that surpass standard explanations. This thorough approach emphasizes my ability to offer distinct perspectives, providing a rich and multifaceted understanding of the song that goes beyond the usual.

Critical Thinking

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. My competent ability to analyze a music from a variety of viewpoints, including cognitive, psychodynamic, and sociocultural lenses, has represented my critical thinking throughout this endeavour. This comprehensive investigation not only demonstrates my ability to engage with varied points of view, but it also demonstrates the breadth of my critical thinking abilities as I navigate the complexity of many psychological frameworks. This project has not only polished my capacity to think critically by challenging me to transcend my own perspective and accept alternate ideas, but it has also demonstrated my adaptability in tackling complicated themes from a variety of analytical angles.

Reflective Thinking

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. This assignment required me to make nuanced judgments about the feelings and goals of the songwriter/singer during the development process, which not only highlighted my critical thinking ability but also required me to analyze a song. In addition to determining the artist’s sentiments, I was required to extrapolate judgments based on my understanding of how individuals from various perspectives might interpret and articulate their viewpoints on the song, demonstrating my nuanced and multifaceted approach to critical thinking.

Core Competency Self Assessment

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking was shown in this lab in a few ways. Coming up with the original hypothesis for the lab is an excellent illustration of this. A hypothesis about what will happen to the “cell” requires some critical thinking. We had to apply what we had previously learned about diffusion to appropriately predict what would happen to the “cell” after sitting in a water and IKI solution. Another instance when we had to think critically throughout this experiment was when answering questions based on the lab results. The questions challenged us to infer responses based on what we had seen and learnt about diffusion. As well as when drawing conclusions based on the data and our predictions.


Collaboration was shown quite a few different times during this lab. It was demonstrated in one instance when discussing lab results with other members of the group. Because my partner and I only finished half of the lab, we needed to relay the results to the remainder of our group. By discussing lab data, we could assist each other in writing a better conclusion. Another instance of collaboration occurred during the lab. We discussed how to do the lab properly in order to achieve the best results. We knew we were successful because we had the best “cell” in our class due to the highest tergor pressure.

Research Assignment Reflection


Collaborating: I work with others to achieve a goal. Throughout the course of this task, our group encountered multiple occasions where we needed to work together and communicate in order to achieve our common goal. The brainstorming phase while we were formulating ideas for our survey questions was an illustration of our teamwork. Throughout this process, it became clear that we not only had the ability to create unique project ideas but also to craft meaningful and relevant survey questions based on the concepts we had developed. This encounter highlighted our team’s joint creative problem-solving abilities.

Another significant instance demonstrating our collaborative talents occurred when we were charged with answering discussion questions based on the results of our survey. In this scenario, each member of our group was responsible for answering specific questions, ensuring that the labor was evenly distributed among the three of us. This strategy demonstrated our dedication to equity in teamwork as well as our ability to split duties efficiently for maximum efficiency.

In both of these cases, our ability to successfully interact was critical to the success of our endeavor. We were able to not only collaborate well but also use our own abilities to the benefit of the entire team. Such moments of teamwork not only improved the overall quality of our work but also built a deeper sense of togetherness inside our group, resulting in a more fruitful and satisfying collaborative experience.

Communicating: I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to. When answering the discussion questions about the survey results, one of the times that dramatically demonstrated my ability to explain the work I had produced was when I addressed the discussion questions. During this step, I made a conscious effort to react to these concerns in a way that not only made logical sense but also presented our findings thoroughly, displaying my ability to successfully convey the research findings to our audience. This method demonstrated my ability to articulate and analyse the facts we had gathered, ensuring that the relevance of our work was not only obvious but also accessible to the reader.

Another example is while creating survey questions. I had to consider who these questions were aimed at and craft queries that would make sense to them. Because I knew my questions would be answered by high school students, I made sure they weren’t too complicated or about topics that high school students wouldn’t be familiar with.


Creative Thinking: I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. One prominent instance of critical thinking throughout this task was when our group was brainstorming ideas for survey themes and particular questions to pose in order to collect significant data. At this point, I took the initiative to come up with unique and innovative ideas for our task. My critical thinking abilities were crucial in visualizing a variety of themes and generating questions that effectively addressed the fundamental objectives of our study.

However, I recognized the value of teamwork and the enrichment that other viewpoints brought to the table. I actively solicited advice and comments from my group members in a cooperative atmosphere. Their suggestions and comments were really helpful in refining and improving my first concepts. We collectively improved and fine-tuned the thoughts and questions through productive discussions and a process of reciprocal critique. This collaborative approach not only improved the overall quality of our survey, but it also served as a compelling illustration of the harmony that results from combining individual critical thinking with group collaborative dynamics, ultimately laying the groundwork for a more insightful and informative assignment.

First Peoples English 11

My Writing

Ray Levoi, a young FBI agent, embarks on a difficult journey of self-discovery while investigating a murder on a Native American reservation. Through his interactions with the Native American community and his personal exploration of his heritage, Ray finds himself and develops a strong connection with his roots/heritage. Ray’s investigation on the Native American reservation and the people he meets such as Sam Reaches, Walter Crow Horse, and Maggie Eagle Bear become a catalyst for his personal transformation. This leading him to rediscover and embrace his heritage, ultimately providing him with a renewed sense of identity and belonging. 

Sam Reaches, a knowledgeable and reserved elder, is essential to Ray’s quest for identity and reunification with his roots. Sam becomes. somewhat of a mentor and guide for Ray via their interactions and chats, sharing priceless insights and knowledge about Native American culture and spirituality. Ray can speak up and explore his own biases and preconceptions because of Sam’s understanding and sympathetic nature.  

Even though Ray was rude to Sam toward the beginning, Sam continued to try and help Ray in his investigation and self-identity journey. Ray learns the importance of his lineage and how it affects his identity under Sam’s tutelage. Ray is guided through the complexities of Native American history, traditions, and challenges through what Sam tells him, which finally helps him come to a profound understanding of himself and a strong appreciation for his lineage. One way that Sam helps show Ray that the Natives aren’t the “bad guys”, and that there is someone else working against him, is when he showed Ray the bullet casing after Ray was under fire at Sam’s house. The FBI tries to lead Ray to think that it was Jimmy Looks Twice or ARM members, however, Sam quickly disproves that. He does so by showing Ray that the bullet casing was “federal issued”, meaning it’s something that only the police or FBI would have access to.  

A reason that most of Ray’s change is external, is because of the Natives he meets that help him see the corruption in the FBI. Walter Crow Horse is an FBI officer that Ray meets on the investigation and ends up helping him find out the truth about what the FBI is doing. Ray is often told by Frank Coutelle to discredit what Walter says as he is not part of their branch of the FBI. Though that is true, he says it because his not being part of the same branch, means that he most likely disagrees with the true motives of the FBI. As Ray and Walter became closer, he shares stories of past injustices and the longstanding mistreatment of Native Americans, making Ray question the integrity of the organization Ray represents. Another thing that Walter did to help Ray find his identity, was to invite him to grandpa Reaches’ house. When at his house, when sitting around the campfire, Ray has a vision of a memory from when he was a child. A memory of his father being drunk when he was much younger. This memory Ray has been trying to suppress for a long time.  

Maggie Eagle Bear, a resilient member of the Native American community, plays a pivotal role in helping Ray find, form, and change his identity. When Ray visits Maggie at the river, they have a deep conversation about his past and more specifically, his father. Ray shares how his father was a drunk, and reckless, and that he “drunk himself to death”. Ray told everyone that he didn’t know his father, but this is most likely because he was ashamed of him. As Ray gets his Sioux heritage from his father, this is why he is ashamed and doesn’t speak about his Native heritage. When Ray was talking to Maggie, that is the first time he opened up to anyone about what happened with his father, this means that Maggie helped him accept who his father was and is less ashamed of his Sioux heritage. This changing Ray’s identity.  

In conclusion, the movie Thunderheart portrays how Ray Levoi’s investigation on the Native reservation becomes a catalyst for his personal transformation, leading him to rediscover and embrace his heritage. Through interactions with people like Sam Reaches and Maggie Eagle Bear, he undergoes a profound journey of self-discovery, developing a renewed sense of identity and belonging.  

Thunderheart Dir. Michael Adapted, Performers Ray – Val Kilmer, Walter – Graham Green, Frank – Sam Shepard, Sam – Ted Thin Elk, Maggie – Sheih Tousey, Tri Star, 1992. DVD

Core Competency Reflection

Critical Thinking

Ḵayx̱(“kai-hh” –mink) teaches us to think critically and persevere when faced with a challenge. Mink teaches us to observe, analyze, and critique information and experiences. Our inquiries provide us with opportunities to question and investigate as well as develop and design plans.

Question and Investigate – It was vital that I apply my critical thinking and questioning skills in this project to build a good idea on which to write our essay. We created an essay about the main character Ray Levoi in the film Thunderheart and how he changed during the film for this assignment. The question was whether Ray’s shift was more external or internal. This compelled me to reexamine the circumstances surrounding Ray’s identity shift. To find the answer to this question, I had to go back and explore and rewatch parts of the movie to figure out what was causing his change. Though Ray’s transformation was not one or the other, I concluded that the cause of his transformation was mostly external. He would not have gone through the changes he did if it hadn’t been for the people he encountered along the way. In my essay, I go into greater depth on why the change was primarily external.

Creative Thinking

Sḵewḵ'(“sk-oww-k” –raven) teaches us to be creative and playful in all that we do. Raven teaches us to generate new ideas inspired by others or by our own personal experiences. As Creative Thinkers, we can generate unique and innovative ideas.

Generating/Developing Ideas – As I investigated the intricate shifts experienced by Ray Levoi in the novel, this task provided an opportunity to display creative thinking. The causes for his shift were not immediately apparent, necessitating innovative and critical thinking on my part in order to produce thoughts and comprehend what inspired his new sense of self. This entailed analyzing several options, such as influential mentors, life-changing experiences, or the wisdom of supporting characters. I obtained a better knowledge of the aspects influencing Ray’s progress through creative thinking.

Furthermore, I investigated if Ray’s change was caused by external or internal forces. I produced a well-rounded view of Ray’s journey by analyzing the impact of contacts with diverse people and exposure to different cultures, as well as Ray’s own self-reflection and personal growth. This creative thinking method allowed me to compose an article that depicts the complicated nature of Ray Levoi’s change as well as the dynamic elements that drove his character development.


Tḵáya(“tuh-kai-ya” –wolf) teaches us to communicate clearly. Wolf teaches us how we can connect and engage with others; gather and share information; and cooperate with others by listening to and respecting each other.

Acquire, Interpret, and Present Information – This essay provided an excellent opportunity for me to demonstrate my ability to clearly explain information. This task allowed me to exhibit my ability to properly communicate the knowledge and insights I had gained. I was able to deliver the facts to the reader in an easily understood manner by organizing my thoughts, arranging the essay coherently, and utilizing brief language. This experience reinforced my ability to articulate ideas and communicate complicated concepts in a clear and straightforward manner.

One Goal I Have For Myself

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include…

I find myself often feeling stretched thin because I don’t often think of ways to maintain or improve my mental health. Some ways that I might try to improve my mental health when feeling stressed are by doing things like prioritizing self-care. Doing activities that make me happy, trying to have a well-balanced diet, and getting sufficient sleep are some examples of ways I can prioritize myself. Another thing I can do to help my mental health are to practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Taking maybe 10 minutes a day to meditate or listening to some music I enjoy are simple ways that can help me achieve this goal.

Core Competencies Self-Reflection


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency? 

I will concentrate on active listening, nonverbal communication, public speaking, written communication, empathy and understanding, conflict resolution, collaboration, teamwork, seeking feedback, cultural sensitivity, and reflective practice in order to improve my communication competency in a school setting. I can better comprehend others if I actively listen and make eye contact. I can clearly convey my message by using efficient non-verbal clues. Participating in presentations and discussions will improve my public speaking abilities. Writing essays and asking for feedback would help me write better. Better relationships will result from increasing empathy. Learning how to resolve conflicts will encourage harmonious interactions. Work together on group tasks to improve collaboration. By asking for comments, I can keep getting better. Communication with varied people will be facilitated through cultural sensitivity. Reflective practice will enable me to pinpoint my areas for improvement.

Creative/Critical Thinking

What helps you get new ideas in class? In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies? 

I believe that in order to learn new things in class, it is crucial to engage in active participation, critical thinking, collaboration, reflective practice, use of a variety of learning resources, open-mindedness, and inspiring teaching strategies. I can interact with the material and develop original insights when I actively participate in class discussions and activities. By using my critical thinking abilities, I can analyze data, draw connections, and come up with original ideas. Working together with peers promotes the sharing of viewpoints and generates fresh concepts. I can absorb knowledge and make connections through reflective practice, which helps me come up with fresh insights. My knowledge base and creativity are both expanded when I explore various learning resources. I can accept other points of view and challenge my thinking when I go into class with an open mind. My mind is stimulated and is inspired by engaging instructional strategies like examples from the actual world or engaging demonstrations. My creativity and encouragement of original viewpoints are fueled by seeking inspiration from numerous sources. I consistently come up with fresh ideas thanks to these methods, which also helps to create a lively learning environment in the classroom.

Prioritize critical thinking through resolving issues and weighing multiple points of view in order to improve thinking abilities in a classroom context. Exploring ideas will help you be more creative, and using reflective thought will help you learn from your mistakes. acquire information literacy abilities, foster metacognitive awareness, and value inquiry and curiosity. Promote teamwork and clear communication as well to enhance comprehension and mental flexibility.

Social Responsibility

How do you use words and actions to encourage other students who might be feeling a bit sad or discouraged? What contribution have you made to our school that you feel good about? How did you get started doing that? In what ways might you further develop your personal & social competencies? 

I use a mix of words and deeds to create a supportive environment for other students who are depressed or disheartened. I calm down and reassure them by pointing out their strengths and resilience while using kind words, attentive listening, and empathy. I also take concrete steps to create connection and support, such as assisting with their academic work, inviting them to events, and starting conversations. I want to brighten their spirits and give them a sense of belonging by creating an inclusive environment where children feel appreciated and cared for. Regarding my contributions to our school, I take delight in planning and supporting extracurricular activities and projects that serve a variety of interests. I have started clubs, led charity campaigns, and facilitated cultural events to promote community spirit and unity by recognizing my passions, looking for help, and working with others. I feel tremendous satisfaction and am inspired to keep changing things when I see the beneficial effects on my friends and the school community.

Concentrate on self-awareness, empathy, relationship-building, communication skills, responsible decision-making, and teamwork to further improve personal and social competencies in a classroom setting. Reflect on your strengths, faults, and values to develop self-awareness. By attempting to comprehend the thoughts and feelings of others, one might develop empathy. Establish trusting connections through paying attention and showing support for one another. Improve verbal and nonverbal communication abilities to communicate oneself clearly and sympathetically. Consider the ethical ramifications and implications of your decisions. Finally, promote cooperation through working together, appreciating variety, and exhibiting strong leadership and followership abilities.

Titration Lab

By combining an unknown concentration with a known concentration, a titration is a technique for determining the concentration of a solution. To determine the concentration of the HCL (hydrochloric acid) in this lab. NaOH (sodium hydroxide), whose content we knew, was employed in a titration. The solution turned a very light shade of pink, which was the titration’s endpoint. When the pale pink liquid remained for at least 30 seconds, we would know we had reached the endpoint of the titration. 1.46M of HCL (hydrochloric acid) was the average amount of acid used in the concentration.

Core Competency

I put in a lot of effort during the lab to make sure I was contributing. Throughout the lab, we shared the work and assisted one another. Throughout the lab, we worked effectively together and explained what we were doing. We asked one another for assistance when needed and came to an agreement. In addition, we alternated performing the various activities throughout the lab’s many trials. We were able to divide the tasks between the two of us throughout the lab, so this worked out for us. We made sure we were both closely followed the directions in order to minimize errors in our experiment.

Graphing A Parabola

My Parabola: 𝑦=−2(𝑥+1)2−7

The Standard Parabola: y=x2 or y=a(x-h)2+k

My Parabola is the one in red and the standard is the one in blue.

y=a(x-h)2+k If “a” is negative, the parabola opens downward, as shown by the red parabola above, and if “a” is positive, the parabola opens upward, as shown by the blue parabola above. The parameter “a” also affects the breadth of the parabola. The “h” defines how far the parabola is displaced off the x-axis. For instance, if “h” is positive as in the red parabola, the 1 in the equation for the blue parabola is made negative, shifting the parabola -1 times to the left. The vertex’s x point and axis of symmetry are both represented by the opposite sign of “h”. The red parabola (mine) is shifted -7 down according to “k,” which also affects how the parabola is shifted on the y axis. The value of “k” also defines the vertex’s y-coordinate, minimum and maximum values. So to clearly find the vertex of a parabola you get the opposite sign of “h” for x (mine would be -1), and “k” for y (mine would b -7). So my vertex would b (-1,-7). You can also tell your axis of symmetry by getting whatever the x was for your vertex (mine would be x=-1).

Self Assessment

I used a graph, an equation, and a verbal example to illustrate the same mathematical concept in three different methods. This was very helpful in explaining my parabola and making graphing it clear.

In this assignment, I used terms like “minimum and maximum values,” “axis of symmetry,” “vertex,” and others. I used these terms to better explain my parabola.

I used formatting to present organized, clear information by condensing it into a manageable bundle and creating a pleasing layout. I chose to be concise with my information while still writing in an easy-to-read manner that is full of necessary information.

Spanish Dialogue

I chose to upload my Spanish dialogue because I believe we did very well on it and our teamwork skills improved significantly as a result of the experience. We were able to work well as a group, and I believe that contributed to our success. I believe we also improved our creative thinking by coming up with multiple spanish sentences that met the criteria that was provided.

Minecraft Energy Transfer & Transformation Reflection


I believe that a large part of this group project was communication aligned and I don’t think that our group would’ve been as successful as we were if we didn’t communicate as much as we did. I say this communication, coordination, and collaboration helped with many aspects of this project. One of the ways we found communication helpful was by getting a better knowledge of who was going to do what. We collectively gave each other roles which assisted in getting our project done faster and smoother. Another way it helped was by collaborating ideas. By this, I mean that our group thought up ideas and shared them with each other which helped us end up with a more finished and refined idea for our Minecraft project.


Communication was an important aspect of this project, but I believe the thinking was equally important. I make this statement because communication was required for the project’s completion and completion in a timely manner, but the thinking competency was required for the information included in the project. This competency (in this case) includes knowledge of energy as well as its transfer and transformation. The thinking aspect also assisted me in gaining a better understanding of energy, its various types, and its transformation. Without a thorough understanding of this, our project will appear incomplete and devoid of the information required to appear as a complete, well-done, and finished project.

Personal and Social

I believe the Personal and Social competency was nearly as large as the other two competencies and was still visible in this project. The Personal and Social competence was less obvious than the other two competencies in this project, but they were still present. This is because the Personal and Social competency encompasses what we did in this project as well as how we can apply what we learned in a social or real-world situation. The group collaboration was one aspect of this project that would be extremely useful in a real-world situation. This can be used in a variety of situations, including a future job, activities with friends, and even other subjects in school. Being able to work well in a group setting and converse with others are useful skills to have and can make many aspects of life easier.