Digital footprint project

when I searched myself up nothing came up, which doesn’t surprise me because I always keep most of my social media and other things private. my footprint probably comes across as nothing because you usually cannot find anything and in my opinion can be a good and bad thing for example its bad if someone cannot find who I am if someone wanted too, but also that can be a good thing when it comes to creepy people online. when people do find my social media they probably think that I’m a good and responsible person because I have only clean and good posts on my account. it also shows what school I go to and my age, which can be a good thing when it comes to getting jobs because the person that wants to hire me can know the I’m enrolled in school. I think my footprint shows an act of identity control because it isn’t all over the place and I can control and make myself look very put together, which is very true to who I am. my digital football]print will affect my family and friends in a good way because in the future my family will only have good things to look at of me and also other people will think I’m a cool person and wanna be friends. Also my digital footprint will affect my post secondary applications in a positive way because it’ll show that I’m a good outgoing person that is very mind set on school.


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