Cooking Challenge

The most challenging lab was the “plan of attack Mac n cheese” because my partner and I only had 15 minutes to create a recipe and come up with good ingredients to put into the Mac n cheese. Our Mac n cheese we ended up making was pretty good and something I wouldn’t of made on my own time but it was still a fun and tasty lab. It contained 2 different types of cheese (cheddar and Havarti) tomatoes, bacon and macaroni noodles; strange combo, but very delicious and cheesy. The process of this lab wasn’t tp hard other than planning but the sauce was a little challenging because we had to keep tasting and seasoning to get to taste right. After awhile we finally added the correct amount of salt, pepper and hot sauce to the cheese sauce. We did meet the product standard with this lab because everything was cooked properly and everything was timed perfectly. Some successes we had in this lab was how perfect we cooked the noodles and cooled them just in time under cold water, so they couldn’t cook any longer. I am proud of our end result and that it did taste as good as I thought it was gonna taste even thought we only had 15 minutes to plan and everyone else got a whole class to plan.

Successful Cooking

My most successful lab was Mac n cheese because I think I prepared and completed the best out of all the labs. the Mac n cheese we made was a creamy cheese sauce and spices put in to perfection with macaroni noodles cooked al dente. I chose this lab as my most successful one because in my option it was the tastiest and one I wanted to make the most. I met the product standards indefinitely because everything I made was very well made and looked very nice. The sauce was nice bright yellow colour and it was very cheesy with a great little taste of onions ion the sauce as well that enhances the flavour by quite a lot. I am most proud about this experience of making Mac n cheese because now I can make this recipe but add so many more things into the dish as well as making a side dish to go with it to balance the meal out, since its not the healthiest thing you can eat. I did learn how to make a roux and a cheese sauce in this lab as well as how to clarify onions in a pot with butter.

School Favourite Lab

My favourite lab so far is the fettuccine Alfredo because it was one of the tastiest and I’m glad that I learned how to make a home-made sauce so now I can make it at home. The fettuccine noodles were very “al dente” and the sauce was perfectly creamy and tasted great. the sauce was made with fresh parmesan which made it test as good as it did, we also put nutmeg, salt, and pepper into the sauce which added great flavour. A challenge I had in this lab was cooking the noodles long enough and knowing when to take it off the heat and strain the noodles. The greatest success was probably the sauce because the flavours were on point as well as the texture was just as good. I’m most proud the preparation of this lab because without doing everything first the sauce and everything wouldn’t of came out the same.

Breakfast Home Lab

For the breakfast home lab I designed and cooked an amazing breakfast sandwich on a toasted bagel with many toppings. the toppings I put on my sandwich were an egg and were perfectly cooked and bacon cooked to a crisp. Cheese was melted directly on the egg and I had creamy avocado spread on the bagel topped with salt and with cut pepper and a handful of a spinach to top it off. I chose to make a breakfast sandwich because it was the best choice to express creativity in the kitchen. one challenge I over came in this lab was cooking the bacon well because for me its very hard to cook bacon with the grease popping everywhere and it very much hurts when it gets on your skin. my greatest success is probably the way I cut all my ingredients and prepared my “mise en place” because I think my knife skills were on point and I did a very good job with cutting everything as the same shape and size. I’m proud of my skills to pick good ingredients to put on my sandwich and I can mix n match flavours. my mom thought it was very creative and out of the box with what my ingredients were but unfortunately my mother couldn’t eat everything I had on my sandwich because she is vegan so instead my boyfriend tried and he thought is was amazing.

Learning Journey Breakfast Unit

The omelet lab was probably one if my favourites because it was the most fun and I got to try out my knifes skills and sautéing skills as well. This recipe had many different types of ingredients from potatoes to eggs with very much flavour added to them. I didn’t have very much challenges in this lab just because it was a pretty straight forward recipe and I knew exactly what I had to do for my partner and i. My successes were that I fully cooked everything perfectly and flipped my half of the egg onto the top of my “stuffing” of my omelet.

My knife skills got a lot better while cutting veggies and fruit for my omelet and breakfast hash. I had no idea how to hold a knife properly or comfortably, but I do know now and I’m actually very good at it. We showed our different types of knife skills as in dicing, mincing and the way you cut spinach and leafy greens.

Most Memorable Food Experience

This is a memorable food experience because it was one of the first fancy or put together dinner I had at my boyfriends house with his family and it was very delicious. It was sided with mash potatoes and Yorkshires topped with gravy. this meal was very tasty because the meat was cooked and seasoned perfectly and the gravy had a lot of flavour. the potatoes were cooked and mashed by johns mom and it was made very well.