Banana Muffin – Sanitation

The banana muffin lab went very well and it was one of the fairly easy ones. I didn’t have many challenges in the lab other than trying to put the same amount of batter in all the muffin tins because they need to be all the same size and shape. Another challenge was not trying to over mix it so when the muffins bake they have the crispy tops and soft middle. I did barely good at mixing and preparing all my ingredients before putting them together into one bowl.

For sanitation and cleanliness there are 6 steps to make sure you have everything done 1. hair tied back 2. sleeves rolled up or jacket/sweater off 3. recipe in hand 4. phone put away 5. apron on 6. wash hands last. These things are very important because you cannot start cooking when your not properly

Learning Journey Breakfast Unit

The omelet lab was probably one if my favourites because it was the most fun and I got to try out my knifes skills and sautéing skills as well. This recipe had many different types of ingredients from potatoes to eggs with very much flavour added to them. I didn’t have very much challenges in this lab just because it was a pretty straight forward recipe and I knew exactly what I had to do for my partner and i. My successes were that I fully cooked everything perfectly and flipped my half of the egg onto the top of my “stuffing” of my omelet.

My knife skills got a lot better while cutting veggies and fruit for my omelet and breakfast hash. I had no idea how to hold a knife properly or comfortably, but I do know now and I’m actually very good at it. We showed our different types of knife skills as in dicing, mincing and the way you cut spinach and leafy greens.