Paradise City Design

Paradise City Values:

  1. Happiness: We showed the happiness by making the houses all different and the town is very free.
  2. Religion: We showed that religion is important, by building a Kingdom Hall that people can gather.
  3. Unity : We showed unity by putting houses close to each other and by building the Kingdom Hall, which will be used for gathering people together.
  4. Clean Environment: There are many trees that will make the air clean and people would not use plastic.
  5. Nature: Nature is important because the town is surrounded with a lot of greenery.
  6. Family: Families will be always staying together. Also, they will have their own house that they made.
  7. Diversity: All the houses will look all different and there will many animals, too.
  8. Clean Transportation: In this town their are not much transportation and people would walk around and use boats.

Symbolic Colors

  1. Green. Because there are a lot of greenery in the city.
  2. Blue. because of our lakes and beach
  3. Purple. because of our lavender colour wildflowers.

by. Makayla Min

teammate. Elena


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