Speech Unit Reflection

Name something that you learned during this experience that you would use again. I would use the citation machine again because I couldn’t find the citations for certain cites. What online strategies/tools did you find helpful in creating your citations? I used the citation machine to help me find all my citations required. What types of sources did you find helpful in researching your speech topic? I found that University cites were useful because they had lots of valuable information. They take time to gather up enough information and conduct experiments to back up their information. What could you improve on for research next time? I could take more time researching because I finished earlier than expected; however, I had more time to work on my speech and polish it. 

My Self-Portrait


What is innovative about your visual representation? Something that is visual about my Self-Portrait is I didn’t leave any spaces because I filled it with pictures that represent me in some sort of way.

How did you generate and develop your ideas while working on this project? I generated ideas during the project by thinking of ways to organize my work into sections, for example; having sports in one section, and having food in another. I did it that way so it’s easier to see and better to understand for the person looking at my collage.

What did you enjoy about your visual representation? I enjoyed that my collage was organized and structured, and my use of pictures.

What would you improve on next time? I would improve on choosing a better background to go with the pictures I chose.

What did you learn about your creative ability during this process? I learned that I can be creative with my use of pictures. Also making it organized and used all the space for pictures.