Death of a Salesman Presentation

Core Competency Reflection

I know the group is working well together when I see a well put together Power Point presentation on the topic. Our group each did our own slide for our character we talked about. We organized it so we would each talk equally. For Willy and Linda since we only had three people in our group one person had to talk about two characters. However, we made sure the people only talking about one of the characters said more about that character. Our group was good at working together because we communicated with each other the first day we got to work on the presentation.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this presentation. After reading the first act if the play we had to make judgments on the characters and decided what their personality was like. I talked about Biff and his personality. He wants to make his father proud but also doesn’t want to do what his father does. At the end of the act Biff is starting to realize that he does not have to be salesman. He can go into construction and do what he loves.