English 12 The Crucible Essay


The purpose of this essay is to discuss the play, the crucible. In particular, what will be discussed is how characters in the crucible behaved in a confusing manner. These behaviors can best be described and interpreted by using Kollberg’s moral precepts for explanation. Specifically, Kollberg has three distinct descriptions of perspectives that describe us as individuals depending on how react in a given group setting. These three common categories are pre-conventional behavior, conventional behavior, and post-conventional behavior. All three categories are factors that we consider when individuals decide to act in any given situation. If we understand the constitution and action, we will be able to achieve a better understanding of the character.  

There are many characters in the crucible that are pre-conventional. Pre-conventional is when you behave in a certain way to obtain a reward and avoid punishment.  

Tituba is a pre-conventional character when she is given a threat from her master, “(I) will take you out and whip you to your death.” (Reverent Parris Act 1) Due to the imminent threat of being punished Tituba thinks quickly of any possible solutions to avoid this outcome. Given that Parris was wanting her to confess to being in league with the devil, or have the outcome of being whipped to death for not coming to God. Tituba does not hesitate and starts making up a convincing story to persuade him that she has in fact come back to God. The quick action she takes demonstrates her immediate action to avoid punishment and obtain the reward of being freed from death.  

Abigail Williams behaves in a way that allows her to obtain a reward. Such when John proctor flies before the court to state, “She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave.” (John Proctor Act 3) Her past brief relationship with John has caused her to desire more from him. However, he has now regained loyalty to his wife which is blocking Abigail’s path back to John. Now when the opportunity comes about to call out John’s wife (Elizabeth) as a witch, she takes it. Abigail thinks that if Elizabeth is dead, she can regain her relationship with John. Without his wife in the picture, she will have no punishment from John’s wife due to her being out of the picture, she will then have the clear reward of John now being uncontested.  

And the final example is Judge Danforth, upon being threatened to delay the proceedings he responded with, “hang them high over the town! Who weeps for these, weeps for corruption!” (Danforth Act 4) After his court affairs with a previous town, the people were furious and threw him out. He does not want to delay any longer in Salem or he fears the same result may happen. This is a direct correlation to his power, if he loses in Salem, he will look like a joke compared to other high law officials. But, if he hangs everyone that’s declared a witch, and finishes quick he will look more powerful.  

From the examples provided it is evident that many characters in the crucible behave in a way that allows them to avoid punishment and achieve a reward.  

There are many characters in the crucible that are conventional. Conventional characters behave in a way that shows they want group acceptance. They want to fit into a particular group.  

Mary Warren is a conventional character, when she defenders herself saying, “everyone cried spirits, spirits.” (Mary Warren Act 3) When put upon trial for supporting proctor she was trying to explain the reason she followed the group of girls even if she knew it was wrong. The only reason she was pretending was to fit into the group. If she did not follow the others she would be ostracized.  

Reverend Parris is another example of a conventional person when he says, “you cannot hang this sort! There is danger in it for me.” (Reverend Parris Act 4) At first in the hunt to kill witches the only people that were being killed were the lowest class. People who were at the bottom of the barrel and not respected. However, when the topmost Chistian people (the pillars of society) were being hanged, the public was starting to connect Parris to the killings. After a dagger was thrown at his door he started to see the arising problem. This is why he wanted the hangings delayed to calm over the town before he is voted out or worse, killed.  

The final example of a conventional character is Reverent Hale when he is confronted by Giles who mentioned, “And yet silent minister? It is fraud.” (Giles Corey Act 2) Once hale started to realize that the people being accused of witchery were nice people being accused of crimes they did not commit. He still stayed silent as he did not want to be excluded from the proceedings, for that would lose him power. Giles realized this, which was why he was asking why Hale would not pipe up and bring the truth to light before the courts.  

You can see from the examples provided that many characters from the crucible show a real drive to be part of a group.  

There are also many post-conventional characters in the crucible. Post-conventional behavior is when you have your own individual sense of values and ethics. Those values and ethics cannot be influenced by reward, punishment or group acceptance.  

The first example of a post-conventional character is Giles Corey. After not giving the name of a person in court who could testify to Mr. Putnam’s claim of killing people just to get their land. He was pressed and during that process his only words were, “more weight.” At this point Giles had nothing to lose, he was determined not to get his friend involved with the courts therefore he was sticking to his opinion and only his, even if it involved his own death.  

The next character that has an individual sense of values and beliefs to be discussed is Elizabeth Proctor. Such as her upfront motion of not going to church due to her not sitting next, “to something so soiled” (Reverend Parris Act 1) Ever since the confrontation of Abigail’s affair with John she has openly stated that she will not go to church nor anywhere near Abby. Even if people look down open her for this comment, she is sticking with it and will not change her opinion. Another common theme with Elizabeth is that she never lies, no matter what the outcome of her speech. This is why she is a great example of a post conventional character.  

The final and arguably most significant example in the crucible of a post-conventional character is Reverend Hale. When he announces, “I denounce these proceedings, I quite this court!” (Reverend Hale Act 3) He was in the center position of power in court. However, he could not bare seeing people suffer for no reason whatsoever except revenge, he did not want to be a part of it. Even though this would completely end his power on the courts and lose him his job, he decided to go with what he believed was right. He threw everything out that he had just to be satisfied enough with himself, that he was doing the right thing.  

You can see from the examples, that many characters from the crucible are confident in their sense of right or wrong.  

In conclusion it is evident that Kollberg’s moral precepts have been a valued tool in allowing the reader to achieve a better understanding of the characters in the crucible. It has also demonstrated the reason in which individuals behave in the way they do when faced with certain situations. Through reading this paper we can clearly explore the people deeper and determine the way they acted to fit into a specific category. Pre-conventional people behave in a way to avoid punishment to achieve an award. Conventional people behave in a way that shows they want group acceptance. However, post-conventional people behave in a way that shows their own ethics and morals, which cannot be influenced with any punishments or rewards. In this essay I was able to clearly demonstrate the underlying reasons as to why the characters acted the way they did in the Crucible. Without Kollberg’s moral precepts it may have been more difficult to justify the actions taken by the people portrayed in the play.  

First Peoples English 11

My Writing

Written Essay on Thunderheart

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this:

While writing my past essays in class, (which were hand written) I was able to make judgments from them along with previous assignments. As well as other written pieces I had completed before in order to get a understanding of the best way to improve upon various areas. For example if I found that a certain sentence structure was not really fitting where I had proposed it to be, then the next time I could watch out for that specific error. While using these steps I am able to demonstrate a better understanding of where I went wrong and the best way I could use to fix that issue.

I appreciate feedback on, and prefer it comes in the form of:

While writing my typed English homework/essay, I appreciated the feedback from my English teacher as he was able to directly highlight the area that needed improvement and add a comment beside me work. This was very helpful as I was able to see exactly where I went wrong and how to fix it for next time, rather then a broad comment at the bottom. I feel as though this feedback allowed me to think of a solution to the issue in that written piece and then utilize a new method for the next assessment.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include:

When writing our various essays whether they had been written or typed I found it most useful to review the text of movie we had reviewed for a second time. To gather quotes and key points not noticed while watching/reading the first time. While collecting this information and planning where I wanted to include it in my essay structure I was able to have a better idea of the formatting I wanted to use. Then, when writing my essay in class with a time limit. I was better prepared because I had already though about where everything should go. So, I could just write it out without having to stop and wonder how to join the pieces of information together.

Critical and Reflective Thinking:

One goal I have moving forwards, is to keep reading the feedback. Even though I may find it annoying to read things I did wrong. It was very useful to read through the comments fully, then use the constructed feedback to improve my writing quality. If I continue doing this I can slowly improve in various areas because I will be able to learn from my mistakes and hopefully not repeat those same mistakes again.

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection:

Strategically preparing for assessments:

In the course I have been able to prepare for assessments such as; completing chapter review, and any missed homework from that chapter. However, first steps I normally take tends to be, looking at the notes on all the points covered in the chapter. This way, I can refresh my brain on anything that was important and any small topics I might have forgotten. After reviewing the notes I go to the chapter I am being assessed upon then start completing the questions, as soon as I finish each question I check my answer against the solution key in the back, to confirm I am on the right track. If for some reason I can not complete the question or am struggling to get to the right answer I ask my math teacher for some help. This way I can complete all the questions to make sure I understand the concepts in that specific chapter.

Learning and using Math vocabulary:

In some of the chapters I found it difficult to remember all the key terms used to describe math problems and the strategies for them. Such a case occurred in the first chapter (chapter 1). Where, learning key strategies such as; Factoring by decomposition, completing the square, factoring within factoring, or trinomials, with exponents as well as variables. When I first started this unit, I was not sure when I was supposed to use the different methods, and on what questions. But once I started connecting the vocab words to different kinds of questions it started making more sense. Especially, when I had to successfully finish the question in the most efficient way (like completing the square when you can to save time). With these given strategies of learning vocab and connecting it to questions we are given I found it is a much better way of learning them, rather than just looking at a list.

Managing time effectively:

In math Precalculus 11 I found, in order to use my time most effectively in class. Paying careful attention to the lessons at the start of class was very important, in this case making sure I come on time so I don’t miss anything. Then completing group work fully, to get full review on types of questions I may see later, then doing homework assigned right after. That way I can either finish it in class or take it home. Another useful thing, was to complete the homework in flex that way I could ask questions on the homework if I was not entirely sure how to properly complete it.

Heading: Advice for Future Students:

Make sure to complete ALL the work book questions, as any one of them could be asked on the test. Also, make sure to pay attention in group work as those questions could be put on the test. DEFFINETLY go to class on time every single morning because the lesson starts right away, and if you miss any it could be a pain to catch up.

My Parabola Transformation Problem

My Equation

Parent Function

Blue Parabola y = 3(x+1)2 -1

Green Parabola: y = X2

The Importance of a, h and k in the equation y = a(x-h)2 +k

The significance of “a” in the equation:

The “a” in the parabola equation is what controls how compressed or expanded the parabola is.

The Larger the number “a” is, the more compressed the parabola will be from the parent function.

The smaller the number “a” is between 0 and 1 then the parabola will expand further then the parent function.

In this case “a” is 3 which means the parabola will be compressed more then the parent function.

The significance of “h” in the equation:

The “h” in the equation is what controls the movement from left to right on the parabola.

The “h” in this case is positive which means it will shift to the left, however if it was negative then the parabola would shift to the right.

The significance of “k” in the equation:

The “k” in the equation controls how much the parabola shifts up or down from the parent function.

In this case the “k” is negative 1 which mean the parabola will shift down 1 from the parent function.


I was able to take the idea of the movement of parabolas, by knowing how compressing or expanding, shifting up/down and side to side changes the equation from the parent function. In order to show all the differences that can come from one simple equation, which is the parent function.

In this assignment I was able to use mathematical vocabulary in order to predict how the parabola will look and where the parabola will end up on a graph. For examples, “a” making it compress or expand, “h” making it move side to side, and “k” making it move up and down.

I was able to try and make this assignment clear to understand by using colour coding with text and paragraph backgrounds. As well as different parabola colours from Desmos graphing calculator.

French 11 Movie Poster Project

La Grande Lego Adventure (The Lego Movie)

During the creation of this French poster project I was able to practice Creative thinking by making several intricate details with the help of my partner. Such as adding certain items from the original Lego movie film. For examples the crane in the top right corner, or some of the building advertisements you would see in the movie. I also included smaller items like the mini robots and the explosion of one of the towers as well as the Kragle that was used as the ultimate weapon. We also tried to include some characters and Lego blocks for details to finish off the aesthetic of the poster.

IDS: Inquiry Reflection 

My current inquiry question is, “What weather contrasts from different elevations have an impact on trees.” It has so far only shifted once and that was earlier on, before my meeting with my IDS teacher which after I then shifted to my current one. My previous one had been, “How does freshwater ecology affect surrounding forests, animals, and people and what can have major impacts on it.” However I took more interest into my new one because it related to a project I had done in previous years, so this was almost like a continuation of it. 

I feel as though my time management so far has been good up until now. I have been using Cent time every week to work on my inquiry topic and sometime after school as well.  

So far, I have found one Websight to be helpful because it had every single bit of weather data since 2011 and from the place I am looking at, he lives a couple houses away, so the data is extremely accurate. 

Currently I am not facing any challenges with my inquiry, but if I do have any challenges I can try and sort them out myself or talk to my mentor teacher who could also ask someone in the community who knows. 

I think I have had growth in the area of “Thinking” because I have been able to look at data so far and think of ideas on what that may contribute to. For example, longer cold spells could lead to less growth compared to an area with warmer weather. 

I am still planning to do a power point; however, if I feel like I have too much information then I will do a word document as an essay rather than a whole bunch of paragraphs on a power point slide which looks horrible. 

I may continue to work on this project next year for capstone, I will just have to see when I am finished and if there is still more I want to explore or if I am still interested in the area of what I am researching. 


PC 11 Chapter 1 Edublog Assignment

Facing a Challenge:

The first time I went to attempt this equation I messed up the part where I needed to foil, the particular reason as to why I messed up was because I was rushing to try and finish before the end of class. So, while rushing I made a stupid error which would mess up any work I wrote after that point, so I took a picture of my problem and work, to continue on paper later.  

The major mistake I made was foiling (X+2) (X+2) which I accidentally made the X time X equal X3 when it should have equaled X2 this is what messed up my problem, until I went to attempt it again today finally getting it correct.  

The strategy I used to figure out the solution to my problem, was studying the notes on that unit (1.7) and seeing what steps that were used for that problem to figure out where I went wrong. Which I then realized, that my work was in fact correct and I just needed to fix a minor mistake to continue. 

The main concept I need to remember to solve this problem is foiling, because that was where my mistake had been made. I then went to foil it correctly and realized I had made a small error in my math of combining things together. 

The next time I encounter a difficult problem, that I cannot figure out; I plan to consult the notes like I normally do and see if I can check back on my steps until I find a step I competed that differs from the notes. Which I can then figure out where I went wrong and fix my solution so I can end up with the correct answer. 

My work:

The problem where I had messed up
The same problem, with the correct solution

Drafting and Design 12 (Second) Self-Assessment


One assignment that was enjoyable for me was the 3D design project. It was enjoyable because I was able to create something I wanted, which after completed I could use. I had to first draw everything by hand on paper then transfer it to fusion 360 to get it 3D printed. Thinking about the dimensions on this assignment was really important because they had to work in real life and not just as a drawing. I did quite well on this assignment which is why I am proud of it. I also found this project slightly challenging, seeing how everything fits together into a final competed piece (final product was in eight pieces).

  • I can Generate new ideas as I pursue my interests (Creative Thinking)
  • I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy (Personal Awareness and Responsibility)
  • I can present information and ideas in an organized way (Communication)

My Final Project:

Physics 11 Reflection – Slinky Lab

The most recent lab I completed in physics was the slinky lab. In this lab I discovered how waves work and what patterns they portray. Through the course of this lab I was able to work with other group members and discuss questions to further fill in our understanding of the topic, and complete follow up question after doing the lab process.

Personal Social:

During this assignment I was able to use my Personal Social skills to complete this lab thoroughly. In my group we were able to carefully study the procedure of which things had to be completed and work through them step by step to complete the lab procedure. After which we were able to discuss follow up questions as a group to make sure we were all on the same level of understanding for the assignment.