Cooking At Home Option 3: Building Your Skills – Technique

Oatmeal Cookies

What technique/skill did you choose? Why did you want to learn or improve on this? I chose the cracking an egg cleanly technique, I wanted to improve on it because I always kept messing up when trying to crack an egg and the yoke comes out all scratched from the shell.

o What video/website(s) did you use to learn more about the skill? I watched a YouTube video by real simple like and the channels name it was quite simple really it just takes practice.

o What dish/baked good did you create to practice the skill? I baked Oatmeal Cookies since it was the easiest thing to do at the time as we had all the ingredients we needed for it.

o What advice do you have for someone who wants to learn this skill too? Just practice, it takes time to get good at cracking eggs even if you do it won’t always come out perfect sometimes you’ll mess up but that’s okay.

o What challenges did you have to overcome? How did you overcome them? The challenge I had to overcome was trying to crack the shell without having the yoke slide out and onto the counter, I just used a medium sized bowl instead of the small bowl I was using before.

o What was your greatest success in this dish (either in the final product, or in the preparation)? Why? The final product was a success in the fact that they tasted extremely tasty and I would make them again.

o What are you most proud of about this experience? Why? I’m most proud of cracking the egg perfectly on the 4th try when I was thinking I would get it on the 8th or 10th time.


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