Cooking at Home #6

Tell us what you made! I made Piroshki

Use the 5 senses to write a description.

Sight: It looks like a pie crust, It sounds like n/a, it smells like buttermilk and cheese, it tastes like cheese, it feels like a pie crust

Tell us about the tradition. It is a Russian/Ukrainian recipe that has existed for a while now and my Grandma decided to spice it up a bit and add some small differences to the recipe.

Where/when did this tradition start? My Grandma started making it when my parents first moved into her house.

What is this meaning behind it for you? To me it means that we still look back at our roots and we still appreciate them.

For your family? To them it means the exact same thing, but to my Grandma it means Patriotism

What is the best part of this tradition? My Grandma has perfected the recipe thanks to all the times she has made it.

What challenges did you have to overcome? How did you overcome them? I had no challenges because I had help from my Grandma who was watching me cook.

What was your greatest success in this dish (either in the final product, or in the preparation)?  Why? The greatest success was the fact that it turned out perfect and none of them exploded (the ones that look like they did are supposed to look like that).

What are you most proud of about this experience? Why? I’m proud of the fact I was able to make a quite complex dish but thanks to the help of my Grandma I was able to get it done


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