Cooking At Home 2: Option 1: Using What You Have

I made Burgers with what I had at the time
(I will send more photos via Teams)

Use the 5 senses to write a description It looks tasty, It sounds like N/A its smells really good, It tastes amazing, it feels rough.

Did you use a recipe or did you make it up?  I made it up

If you were to make this dish again, what would you change? I would probably change the neatness of the final product but that’s about it

What challenges did you have to overcome? How did you overcome them? The main challenge I had to overcome was compressing the patty because they would always break apart, I overcame that challenge by attempting over and over again until it finally worked out in my favour

What was your greatest success in this dish (either in the final product, or in the preparation)?  Why? The greatest success was the fact it didn’t fall apart when it was finished and it didn’t burn while on the barbecue

What are you most proud of about this experience? Why? I’m proud of not burning the burgers on the barbecue as it was my first time using cooking Burgers.


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