ADL Digital Footprint

I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences like a negative consequence is that if I share to much of my personal life online people could know where I live. A positive consequence is that I can make so many friends online and you meet so many nice people online. 

 Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include. Not being online for extended periods of time to take a break from the computer or phone and take a step outside can be beneficial for us. Another strategy I use to maintain a balanced online presence is be kind to everyone you meet online and not leave any rude or mean comments on anyone’s post because that can really affect their mental health.  

I make digital ethical choices such as not to make a fool of myself online so other people could see and make fun of me. Aswell as not posting anything rude or mean about other people in order to help keep a good image online.  


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