PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Artifact

I feel tired this Monday morning.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include eating healthy foods, doing physical activity, drinking enough water, and getting an adequate amount of sleep. I think that eating the right foods makes me feel better physically and mentally; I would prefer to not eat out. I find that physical activity helps keep me in shape and my metabolism consistent.

Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated communication/collaboration by working with others to achieve a goal. I demonstrated this in PE by passing/communicating with others in team ball sports.

I demonstrated social awareness & responsibility by respecting others and inclusive behavior. I demonstrated this in PE by respecting other’s skill levels and abilities and including others by passing the ball/communicating with them.

I demonstrated positive personal and cultural identity by identifying my strengths and potential. I demonstrated this in PE by knowing how much weight I can lift/pull in the weightroom.

I demonstrated critical and reflective thinking by reflecting on my thinking in PE. I demonstrated this by reflecting what I could have done differently in PE sports.

One goal I have for myself moving forward is to improve on deliberately learning about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. I wan to improve on this creative thinking competency because I want to find more things that interest me and learn more about them.