Food Studies 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Smoothie Bowl w/ Homemade Granola

Communication & Collaboration

I demonstrated communication in this food studies lab by communicating with my partners what fruits/add-ins they would like in the smoothie bowl. Communication was necessary in this lab because we had our own preferences of fruits/ingredients, we discussed and then agreed upon the ingredients we were going to use. If we were to add/use fruits or ingredients in the smoothie bowl without checking with each other first, we may have different perceptions on the taste/look/texture of the recipe. For example, we collectively agreed to not add fruits high in water content, because majority of the fruits we used were low in water content.

I demonstrated collaboration in this food studies lab by working with my partners to make the smoothie bowl. I did this by taking responsibility for my tasks and doing my share of duties in the kitchen. An example in the kitchen where we had to collaborate is when the blender was struggling to blend the frozen fruits. We collaborated and communicated with each other by asking each other if we should add more liquid, or keep mixing the smoothie with a wooden spoon; relying on the blender. We still wanted to have the thick consistency of the smoothie, without adding too much liquid. I also collaborated with my partners if they wanted to add granola/sliced fruits into their smoothie bowl.

Les Films

Core Competency Reflection

We made a poster on The Matrix. During the process of making the movie poster, I used creative thinking to supply the contents of the poster. I had to avoid the use of a translator and used my creative thinking to translate English to French, and words/sentences had to be what we learned in class.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Artifact

I feel tired this Monday morning.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include eating healthy foods, doing physical activity, drinking enough water, and getting an adequate amount of sleep. I think that eating the right foods makes me feel better physically and mentally; I would prefer to not eat out. I find that physical activity helps keep me in shape and my metabolism consistent.

Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated communication/collaboration by working with others to achieve a goal. I demonstrated this in PE by passing/communicating with others in team ball sports.

I demonstrated social awareness & responsibility by respecting others and inclusive behavior. I demonstrated this in PE by respecting other’s skill levels and abilities and including others by passing the ball/communicating with them.

I demonstrated positive personal and cultural identity by identifying my strengths and potential. I demonstrated this in PE by knowing how much weight I can lift/pull in the weightroom.

I demonstrated critical and reflective thinking by reflecting on my thinking in PE. I demonstrated this by reflecting what I could have done differently in PE sports.

One goal I have for myself moving forward is to improve on deliberately learning about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. I wan to improve on this creative thinking competency because I want to find more things that interest me and learn more about them.

Stress Management Bingo and Disorders Web Map Reflection

  • Refer to your Stress Management Bingo handout.  How many stress management tips did you do this past week?  What were they?

I did 3 stress management tips this past week, they were: doing something you like, listening to music, and exercise for 30 minutes.

  • What core competencies did you demonstrate with this Disorders Web Map Assignment?

The core competencies I demonstrated with the Disorder Web Map are Personal/Social and Personal Awareness and Responsibility. I demonstrated positive personal and cultural identity by understanding that my learning is continuous and my identity will continue to evolve. I understood that my learning is continuous when completing the web map assignment because there are many options to choose from for identifying the causes and symptoms of each disorder. I also demonstrated Personal Awareness and Responsibility by advocating for myself, I did this by starting my assignment early and completing it on time.

Sensation and Perception Experiment

What hypothesis did you come up with for your sensation and perception experiment?

Our hypothesis was if people can smell and identify what food/object represents the scented marker and how far they can smell each marker. Our findings were that the results do not fully support the hypothesis. Out of 8 people, all of them could smell. 6/8 people could not identify what food/object represents the scented marker. 2/8 people guessed the smell of the scented marker right. Out of 8 people, the average absolute threshold distance for smell was 3 inches away from their nose.

What core competencies did you demonstrate with this assignment?

The core competencies I demonstrated with this assignment are communication and creative thinking. I demonstrated communication by communicating with my group members as to what our experiment will be, and how to carry it out. We’ve also communicated with our participants in the experiment about what we are doing, and giving instructions to them. I’ve demonstrated creative thinking by coming up with the experiment. I remembered that our teacher had a box of markers that the class can use. There were scented markers, and I asked one of my classmates to smell and guess what the marker was. From there, we also used creative thinking to add another component in the experiment; how far away can one smell the marker.

Mon Autobiographie


Curricular Competency Reflection

The strategies I employed to lead myself to successfully be able to express myself with increasing fluency in this writing activity was to try to remember which nouns/expressions I’ve learned without going into my notes. If I wasn’t able to recall want I’ve learned, I had to access my vocabulary and sentence structure notes to communicate about my personal experiences. I also used a translator for words that I didn’t know of.

I did have to adjust how I would have expressed myself in my first language to be able to express myself in this additional language. The experience for me was that I had to simplify and be concise with what I wanted to write/say. I imagine that it is very hard for people who move from different countries and not being able to fully/deeply express themselves in a new language.

Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking: “One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is…” This project helped me develop and demonstrate this core competency by challenging myself to remember what I have learnt without looking in my notes/handouts. This project stimulated my imagination by making me think of straight-forward ways to express myself through writing in a second language.

Communication: “My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…” This project helped me develop and demonstrate this core competency by making me go through my notes/handouts specific for this project. My strategy was that I didn’t need to look for my notes/handouts if I didn’t need to, because they weren’t specific to this project.

Creative Thinking: “An area of study in which I feel confident to regularly challenge assumptions and develop new ideas is in…” This project helped me develop and demonstrate this core competency by making me study and review my notes/handouts. I feel confident to regularly challenge assumptions about French because people (including myself) think it’s hard to speak/learn.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: “When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…” One goal I have for myself moving forward is to remain focused when doing homework. When I feel that I am struggling with a topic/assignment, I try to move on and go back to it later. But by the time I get back to it, I don’t feel focused enough to complete the assignment/topic.

Brain Disorder Storybook

  • What is the topic of your brain disorder storybook? 

The topic of my brain disorder storybook is Parkinson’s Disease.

  • What core competencies did you demonstrate with this assignment?

The core competencies I demonstrated with this assignment are personal/social & thinking. I demonstrated the personal/social competency by advocating for myself. I advocated for myself by completing the assignment and handing it in on time.

I demonstrated the thinking competency by “persevering over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas.” I persevered over time while doing my assignment because there were some topics that I could not find in my handouts (setbacks & failure), so I researched online for Parkinson’s Disease to develop ideas and use them in my assignment.

Fitness & Conditioning 11/12 Reflection

My Artifact

Fitness & Conditioning Reflection

The influence physical activity has had on my health is that it keeps me in shape and decreases my stress/anxiety. I find that physical activity serves as an outlet where I can destress, but at the same time it benefits my health by maintaining muscles and my cardiovascular system. The importance of being active for life is that it can improve health and reduce the chance of developing certain diseases. Without regular physical activity, quality of life may deteriorate. The strategies I have used to pursue personal fitness goals is to make a realistic and specific plan. I found that I wanted to be able to perform 10 pullups consecutively by the end of March. I have not met this goal yet; it’s been the first week of March. I don’t have much time after school to go to the gym and work towards my goal because of homework and work. I found that I have to change my goal to a smaller one, and then work up into another small goal.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal. I chose this competency statement because I work with Mr. Oriel by listening to his instructions and performing the prescribed exercises. I also work with my partner in our common goal of exercising in the gym, we communicate with each other if we need to be spotted, the weight is too light/heavy, or discussing which exercise to do.

I advocate for myself. I chose this competency statement because I put away my weights/plates when class is over. I also wipe down the equipment that I have used. I also help out by putting other’s weights/plates back onto the rack.

I use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I chose this competency statement because I consistently attend fitness & conditioning class. I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle by eating the right foods and listening/performing Mr. Oriel’s instructions in the weight room.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. I chose this competency statement because I respect others in the weight room by being non-judgmental on how much they can lift. I understand that everyone is at a different level, but we are all trying to achieve a similar goal. I also include others if there are no other weights/equipment and they would like to use mine.

I encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives. I intend on working towards this competency statement because I do not encourage others to share their voices. I am working towards this goal because I want to receive feedback from others and not just rely on myself. To achieve this goal, I’ll be more communicative with Mr. Oriel/fellow students on how I can improve on my exercises.

Psychology Research

  • What hypothesis did you come up with for your research (survey) assignment?  What are your findings?  

The hypothesis we came up with for our research assignment is that students who eat breakfast tend to perform better and have better energy/focus levels than students who don’t.

Our findings were that students who did eat breakfast, had a better GPA and higher focus/energy levels throughout the school day, last semester. The grade average difference between students who have breakfast every day and those who do not have breakfast was 5.5%.

  • What core competencies did you demonstrate with this assignment?

The core competencies I demonstrated with this assignment are communication, personal and social, and thinking. I demonstrated communication by working with my partners to achieve a goal. I also did my share in the group and took on roles and responsibilities in the group. I did this by doing my share of writing the procedure and the conclusion in our research assignment.

I demonstrated the personal and social competency by advocating for myself and completing my share of work on the research assignment. I also could identify my strengths and know my role in group work.

I demonstrated the thinking competency by persevering over time to develop my ideas, while expecting setbacks/failure, but I use that to develop my ideas. I did this by completing a draft of the conclusion, then went back to read over our research and make changes/improvements to the conclusion.

Digital Footprint

My digital footprint doesn’t show a lot. Others can see that my name is associated with box lacrosse awards on a news website. They can also see my Facebook profile. My Facebook profile doesn’t show any information about me, so people wouldn’t be able to get to know who I am.  

When I searched my name there was a name director site. When I visited the website, I saw my name and a bunch of names that had the same last name as me. I then saw my dad’s and aunts’ names in there also. I think the rest of the names were my cousins or relatives that I’ve never met. 

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I think my digital footprint comes across to other people as being vague. There’s not much information about myself to be found. When I’m using other social media platforms, I don’t share my personal information with the public.  

My existing digital footprint can affect my job and career prospects because they wouldn’t find much information about me. I could try and make a LinkedIn account so they would get an idea of who I am.

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By posting racist or offensive comments online, that can prevent you from getting a job or getting into future educations. If you leave a bad digital footprint online; it’ll make other people think twice about being friends with you. 

To keep my digital footprint appropriate and safe I can make my social media profiles private or “friends only” so that only the people I know can see my posts. I can refrain from posting anything offensive or inappropriate to my profile.  I won’t make negative comments on other’s posts or cyberbully. Because if I do, I could emotionally affect other people. 

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I would pass on that you always have to think before you post. And not post any offensive or inappropriate content. Don’t post private things publicly, because other people can see what you’re up to.  

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I would say that if you’re posting something, make sure your parents approve it or think about the outcome and how it would affect other people online.