Revolution Timeline : Anesthesia

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I was not able to identify problems with ease. I needed to do thorough searches online to find problems with anesthesia. I had to be aware of the words I used to search to find specific information. I was able to find the problems and solutions to anesthesia by using keywords in my search. One time I wouldn’t be able to find what I needed to find, but when I refined my search words; there were different results. 

I don’t think I could build my project form a backwards design; I think this because I wasn’t able to think about how I wanted the innovation to look before I thought of solutions. I needed to find solutions before I could think of the future of anesthesia. If I were to think of the future of anesthesia, I would need information from the past to support my thinking. I wouldn’t want to make something up on the spot. While dreaming of the future of anesthesia, I was also identifying solutions through the process. Some unidentified solutions were included in the future of my innovation. 

I’m satisfied with the result of my design and solutions. I was able to use my imagination and find reliable information to form future designs and solutions. 

I would refine my assignment in the future by finding the specific pieces of information that I will need in the project, and then finding the additional information later.