Year End Reflection

This course has been super fun because I got to make a whole bunch of different food and meet a many new people. Foods 11 has helped me learn and improve on skills that I can use to become better cook now and in the future. I loved the variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes that we did because I got to make and try food that I have never had before.

I would definitely suggest this class anyone who is interested because you get to cook, bake, and eat which is way better than doing a academic class in the morning. I would also suggest that if you are going to be taking foods, get to know the people in your class and in your group because developing a relationship with them will help you communicate better and will also help you succeed in doing your labs.

I have never used Edu blogs to display my work before so it was kind of confusing at first but I got used to it. I don’t know how others may feel, but I would rather use power point instead because I feel like it is simpler and easier to use.

Overall, I thought that this experience was great and I would 10/10 recommend this class to upcoming students.


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