Penne alfredo with chicken and Caesar salad- Cooking at home lab

I made a penne alfredo with chicken and a Caesar salad. The pasta turned out really well, because the noodles were cooked perfectly and the sauce was really thick and creamy. The chicken was cooked well and wasn’t hard to chew. The Caesar salad was good as well, because the lettuce was fresh and crunchy which added depth to the salad. I didn’t use a recipe but it was fairly easy to make. I started by warming some alfredo sauce in a saucepan on the stove, while boiling water in a pot. After that I put some maple leaf precooked chicken strips in a pan with a bit of oil on medium heat. Once the water was boiling I dropped the penne noodles, and when they were cooked I plated everything. For the salad I just tossed some lettuce, grated parmesan and Caesar dressing in a salad bowl and served. If I were to make this again I would add some lemon to the salad, because that would really enrich the flavour. A challenge I overcame was almost burning the alfredo sauce. I didn’t stir it while it was in the saucepan but I was lucky and before it burned to the bottom I realized and stirred it. My greatest success was the penne, it cooked just right and that really tied all of the ingredients together. I’m really proud of how I added just the right amount of Caesar dressing to the salad.


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