Hayden Arnott’s MapHub and review

Review on MapHub

A. I was able to identify how the geography impacted the town by using helpful websites.

B.I feel like the website MapHub helped me put it in a satellites perspective and i could pin point certain areas with different aspects of surroundings.

C. yes and MapHub made it easier to put down my information.

D. By being organized and doing at least 2 hours a day and asking for more help.

New Map by HaydenA11 · MapHub

All About Me

things about me, I love sports and my favorite sports are hockey and basketball. I play both of those sport and I am in the centennial hockey academy. subjects that I exceed at are gym and math but the rest I struggle at. I play video games a lot but my goal is to get fit and healthier. things that I enjoy are hanging out with my friends and playing some basketball with them and video games. so far these first weeks at centennial have not been bad and I’m really having fun at the hockey academy i hope that the rest of the year I will enjoy my time at centennial.

I choose this phot because hockey is my favorite sport and the Canucks are my favorite hockey team. I found this photo from google search.

a quote I really like: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” this quote is from Mae West I like this quote cause we only have one life but if you live your life how you wanted live with no regrets that one life was enough.

a website I’m interested in is https://www.office.com/launch/sway?auth=2 sway from office 365 I’ve never used it before and it looks like a website to design.

and for a video of my goal I wasn’t sure what video to use but me goal is to get fit and stay healthy and this video will help remind me of what a smart goal is> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRoiYQdRiEs

websites i used for this assignment. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes https://www.youtube.com/