The Crucible Essay

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the play, The Crucible. In particular, what will be discussed is how characters in The Crucible behave in strange ways. This behavior can best be described and understood by utilizing Kohlberg’s moral precepts. Specifically, Kohlberg has three distinct descriptions of perspectives that motivate individuals to behave in certain ways. These three categories are pre-conventional behavior, conventional behavior and post conventional behavior. All three categories are factors that are considered when individuals decide to act in any given situation. If we understand the consideration and action, we will be able to achieve a better understanding for the characters within The Crucible. With the understanding of the reasoning behind their strange decisions we can find out why they behaved in a confusing manner throughout The Crucible. 

There are many characters within The Crucible that are pre-conventional. Pre-conventional Characters behave in a certain way to obtain reward and avoid punishment. The first character that is pre-conventional is Tituba. After being told by her master that if she did not confess to being in league with the devil she would be taken out and whipped to her “death”, she confessed to working with the devil. The reason she confessed to working with devil even though she was not to avoid the punishment of being whipped to her death. She decided to avoid her punishment and continue living, the only thing she could do was lie even though Tituba knew lying was a sin. Another character that behaves in a way to get reward is Abigail Williams. Abigail wants to be with John Proctor, but to accomplish her goal, she needs Goody Proctor out of the way. That is why she confessed to the court that “Goody Proctor (had) always kept Poppets” so she could get the reward of taking the place of Goody Proctor as the wife of John Proctor. Abigail did not care what happened to others, she was only driven by the possibility of getting the one reward she wanted. The final example is Reverend Paris. Paris begged the judge to “postpone (the) hangings” because of the backlash he was receiving from the town’s residents. He was scared that he would receive punishment for being responsible for many well-liked figures in the town’s deaths. He knew that he could be killed or lose all the power and prestige that he had if the hangings were to occur. If he could delay the hangings, he would still maintain his power and his life would no longer be threatened. You can see from the examples provided that many characters in the crucible behave in a way to obtain reward and avoid punishment. 

There are many Characters found in The Crucible that are conventional. Conventional behavior is when you behave in a certain way to fit into a group. To begin, Marry Warren is a conventional character. Marry Warren was trying to tell the truth in court saying that Abigail was lying, and she had never seen the devil before. However, once she realized that the group was siding with Abigail, she begged Abigail to let her back into the group saying that she would “never hurt (her again)”. She did this to get back into the group she was once in and knew apologizing to Abigail and continuing her lie was the only way she could possibly get back in. Marry completely changed her stance in a couple of moments so that she could continue to be in the majority group. The next character to discuss is John Procter. He behaves in a way that illustrates he wants to be in a group. John Proctor did not want to confess to the fact he had slept with Abigail Williams even though his confession could save the lives of others he only said that he “will think on it”. He knows that if the townspeople were to find out that he committed adultery that he would no longer be in a group with any of them because of how seriously they took their religion. He could not take being an outcast from the town and its people. The final Character is Thomas Danforth. While he was trying to get a confession from John Proctor during court Reverand Hale asked if they could get lawyers so that it would be a fair trial. Danforth denied this request and stated that the “pure (of) heart” should not require lawyers. He did not want lawyers to be present during the preceding’s because they could challenge his authority and end up removing him from his position within the town. If the townspeople found out that he did not have their best interests at heart he would run out of town. He was so adamite to be the only figure of power within the court because of his fear of no longer being a part of a group. One can see from the examples provided The Crucible has many characters that show a desire to fit in. 

There are multiple post-conventional characters found in The Crucible. Post-conventional characters internalize a sense of right and wrong. They are confident in their value and beliefs regardless of punishment, reward and group acceptance. The first post-conventional character to discuss is John Procter. While Infront of judge Danforth he admits to having slept with Abigail Williams saying that he has “known” Abigail. Even though he knows that he will be facing heavy repercussions for committing a sin he does not care because of how confident he is in his own beliefs. He does not care what people will think of him, he just knows that confessing is the right thing to do. The next character that is confident in theri values and beliefs is Reverend Hale. After Thomas Danforth gives his guilty verdict of John Proctor being in leagues with the devil, Hale cannot stand by and let this happen. Reverend Hale openly defies the proceedings and says that he “quits this court”. Even though he will lose all his power and credibility from the court Hale still stands up for John Proctor because of his values. He has a strong belief in what is right and wrong. He will never turn his back on his ideals no matter the circumstances or oppression he might face. Finally, the last character is Elizibeth Proctor. While talking about who is being accused of witchcraft with Reverend Hale, she finds out that her name came up. Elizibeth tells Hale that if he thinks that she is a witch “then there are none”. Elizibeth knows that her saying that witches do not exist Infront of a reverend means she is openly going against the church. However, Elizibeth does not care because of how strong her belief in always telling the truth is. She is aware that her actions could lead to her being jailed or executed, but these possible punishments do not make her beliefs waver. It is evident from the examples provided that many characters in The Crucible behave in a way that follows their sense of beliefs and values without concern for punishment, reward, or group acceptance. 

In conclusion, it is evident that Kohlberg’s moral precepts have been a valuable resource in allowing the reader to achieve a better understanding of the characters in The Crucible. It has also demonstrated why individuals behave the way that they do in certain situations. It also has given more insight onto which precept the characters fall into. Lastly, it show-cases that characters can change which precepts they are in, which is another reason why their actions and behavior may appear strange. 


In this project we were tasked with creating a self portrait in desmos ( graphing calculator) using a multitude of functions. Beginning with the creation of the face I used mainly linear functions and two quadratic functions combined with limitations to create its structure. For the eyes I used an ellipse function for the shape of the eye itself, an ellipse inequality for the iris to give it a soft colour, and another ellipse for the pupil. For the eye brows i used linear and quadratic functions again. The nose was made up entirely of linear and ellipse functions making use of inequalities to get the shape I wanted. The mouth used similar linear and quadratic functions that were used on previous features. The ears I made entirely linear functions because I thought that rounded ears ended up looking weird in combination with the square shaped head. The hair had two main components; firstly, the outline which was made up of both linear and quadratic functions.Additionally, the curls of the hair which purpose was to make the hair appear more realistic and not like it was lego. I only used ellipse functions and had to make full use of the limitations to make the curls realistic.The final component of the the self portrait was the neck. I utilized a hyperbola function to create the neck. The neck was difficult because it was hard to find the balance of x and y without looking like a monster or an ostrich. I also used the colour creation capabilities of desmos for my pupils, nose, and ears. Lastly I found that inequalities are the most important thing in the creation of this self portrait. In conclusion this project greatly increased my knowledge and application of desmos, transformations, and functions.

Economics 12 Core Competency Reflection


During the duration of this class their have been numerous occasions in which I have demonstrated my skills in collaboration. An example of this is during our activity about unions vs companies were I as a member of the union board had to convince the company higher ups to give better working conditions. Me and my fellow union members had to collaborate to come up with substantial points that would persuade the company to increase pay, vacation days, medical coverages, and the overall conditions. Capitalizing on our teamwork we were able to get the best deal from the companies out of all the unions. Furthermore our group was able to get not only the best out of the unions but the best we could have possible have done given the conditions that we were given. Inconclusions my active participation, open communication, and willingness to listen and contribute effectively showcased my strong ability to collaborate and work seamlessly within my union group.

Core Competency Self-Reflection

Critical Thinking

During this semester I have utilized critical thinking to dissect and understand questions like the ones in the image above. Question like these required me to analyze the text to identify what equation was needed, the numerical values of the variables that I had, and most importantly the answer that the question was looking for. I was able to complete these questions above by reflecting on past videos/lessons that I have watched. This allowed me access to different perspectives on methods of completion to these questions. In addition practicing using similar questions to the ones above gave me the ability to judge what the question wanted me to solve. In conclusion I have show-cased my critical thinking capabilities through my judgment, reflectiveness, dissection, and analytical abilities.

Titration Lab Edublog

The core competencies that I used in this lab were collaboration and communication. I was able to work well with my partner in this lab and we made use of each others skills in different areas to complete this lab extremely fast. We also did a great job of communicating throughout this job and being open about things we were confused about. This allowed us to stay efficient and effective which is one of the main reasons we finished this lab so quickly. I am proud of the work me and my lab partner did on this lab and I feel like it expressed the Competencies I stated before. We both helped each other learn and polish the skills that were needed to make this lab a success. In conclusion I used my collaboration and communication skills to complete this lab as best as I possible could.

Core Competency Communicating Spanish 11

First Spanish dialogue

During this dialogue I believe that I was able to engage my audience and keep their attention throughout the conversation .I worked hard to create a script that would be entertaining and contained all the information that we were going over at the time. I think that I was able to also bring my emotion across so that the class could better understand what was happening . Lastly I was able to present a conversation by myself in front of the class and tried my best to have the voices differentiate from each other.

Social Studies 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment


The project that I am using to show-case me collaborating is the Housing project. I have displayed my skills in collaborating in this project in numerous ways. Firstly, I was able to clearly express my opinions and thoughts to my partner. I was able to tell him what I thought we should do as well as how we should go about doing it. After expressing myself I listened to what he wanted to do and thought was right. After gathering both of our collective thoughts we decided on the best way to accomplish the project as we as what we visualized what the outcome would be. More over we also were able to evenly distribute the work load based on each others strengths and weaknesses. I took charge of mainly the writing portion because that was were I felt I could do best in this project and my partner mainly took care of the architecture and more visual work. We also worked on things we were not completely comfortable with because we realized that only doing things that are easy will not improve yourself. Lastly, we had trust in each others abilities and work ethic. We knew that we would both work hard to produce the result that we expected and wanted. Even when we got stuck or confused we collaborated and worked through it together by never giving. In conclusion we were able to collaborate successfully and work off one another to produce a result that we were both proud of.

Core Competency Self-Assessment Communication

Dichotomous Key

This Dichotomous Key illustrates the many ways I was able to communicate. Firstly it should that I am able to communicate my thoughts with images and writing. It also allowed me to show-case the process in which I think and understand information. Furthermore it also showed how I could work well with other and create an environment in which we were able to bounce ideas off one another. Another way I showed my ability to communicate was the buttons we decided to put on display. We decided that it would be best to have some of the buttons that are similar near each other as well as ones that are completely different to communicate the way we organized the buttons and what we deemed as more important differentiated changes.

Literary Paragraph Character of Mooch

There are many examples within the literature that illustrate the character of Mooch. Clearly, Mooch is altruistic human being. Firstly, Mooch cares for his friends a tremendous amount and would gladly look past anything they do because they mean that much to him. He even allowed his girlfriend to “beat him badly” displaying how his love for her is enough for him to still deeply care for her. In addition Mooch puts others necessities above his own. Mooch may take lots from his friends but is always there when it really matters. When Floyd was to drunk to take care of his daughter and Floyds wife was having a meltdown Mooch was “holding there daughter.” Mooch only wants what is best for others and when that is accomplished he is at his happiest. Lastly, Mooch is extremely kind. Even after the malicious beatings that he had been given as a child he would never raise his hand to another human being and would much rather take the beating then do it upon someone else. Mooch tells stories to his friends about how everyone is “connected and lives on inside of them.” He deliberately went out of his way to tell his heartfelt story to hopefully make his friend feel better for all the mistakes that he has done in the past. In conclusion it is evident from the recourses that I have provided that Mooch is indeed a altruistic human being and someone we should all live up to becoming.

Core Competency Goals

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is

Thinking back to past events brings up the emotions that I am looking to write about depending on the story I am currently writing. This helps stimulate my imagination and picture what it is that I want to write and how well it will fit into the story. This also helps with different subjects other then writing like math and science. It also helps with math and science because it allows me to deconstruct the questions which additionally helps with all subjects.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is

When my friend was telling me about different things that you could use during presentations. He explained that transitions would hold the attention of the watcher longer and keep them engaged. I took his idea a step further by adding different sounds that have to do with the slide at hand as well as different images and different interactive activities.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is

How to incorporate group members’ ideas into one project while still keeping the topic on point. I did this by using parts of ideas and conjoining them into one main point. This strategy only make projects better because it uses everyone’s strengths that helps compensate others weaknesses.