Economics 12 Core Competency Reflection


During the duration of this class their have been numerous occasions in which I have demonstrated my skills in collaboration. An example of this is during our activity about unions vs companies were I as a member of the union board had to convince the company higher ups to give better working conditions. Me and my fellow union members had to collaborate to come up with substantial points that would persuade the company to increase pay, vacation days, medical coverages, and the overall conditions. Capitalizing on our teamwork we were able to get the best deal from the companies out of all the unions. Furthermore our group was able to get not only the best out of the unions but the best we could have possible have done given the conditions that we were given. Inconclusions my active participation, open communication, and willingness to listen and contribute effectively showcased my strong ability to collaborate and work seamlessly within my union group.

Core Competency Self-Reflection

Critical Thinking

During this semester I have utilized critical thinking to dissect and understand questions like the ones in the image above. Question like these required me to analyze the text to identify what equation was needed, the numerical values of the variables that I had, and most importantly the answer that the question was looking for. I was able to complete these questions above by reflecting on past videos/lessons that I have watched. This allowed me access to different perspectives on methods of completion to these questions. In addition practicing using similar questions to the ones above gave me the ability to judge what the question wanted me to solve. In conclusion I have show-cased my critical thinking capabilities through my judgment, reflectiveness, dissection, and analytical abilities.

Titration Lab Edublog

The core competencies that I used in this lab were collaboration and communication. I was able to work well with my partner in this lab and we made use of each others skills in different areas to complete this lab extremely fast. We also did a great job of communicating throughout this job and being open about things we were confused about. This allowed us to stay efficient and effective which is one of the main reasons we finished this lab so quickly. I am proud of the work me and my lab partner did on this lab and I feel like it expressed the Competencies I stated before. We both helped each other learn and polish the skills that were needed to make this lab a success. In conclusion I used my collaboration and communication skills to complete this lab as best as I possible could.

Core Competency Communicating Spanish 11

First Spanish dialogue

During this dialogue I believe that I was able to engage my audience and keep their attention throughout the conversation .I worked hard to create a script that would be entertaining and contained all the information that we were going over at the time. I think that I was able to also bring my emotion across so that the class could better understand what was happening . Lastly I was able to present a conversation by myself in front of the class and tried my best to have the voices differentiate from each other.

Social Studies 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment


The project that I am using to show-case me collaborating is the Housing project. I have displayed my skills in collaborating in this project in numerous ways. Firstly, I was able to clearly express my opinions and thoughts to my partner. I was able to tell him what I thought we should do as well as how we should go about doing it. After expressing myself I listened to what he wanted to do and thought was right. After gathering both of our collective thoughts we decided on the best way to accomplish the project as we as what we visualized what the outcome would be. More over we also were able to evenly distribute the work load based on each others strengths and weaknesses. I took charge of mainly the writing portion because that was were I felt I could do best in this project and my partner mainly took care of the architecture and more visual work. We also worked on things we were not completely comfortable with because we realized that only doing things that are easy will not improve yourself. Lastly, we had trust in each others abilities and work ethic. We knew that we would both work hard to produce the result that we expected and wanted. Even when we got stuck or confused we collaborated and worked through it together by never giving. In conclusion we were able to collaborate successfully and work off one another to produce a result that we were both proud of.

Core Competency Self-Assessment Communication

Dichotomous Key

This Dichotomous Key illustrates the many ways I was able to communicate. Firstly it should that I am able to communicate my thoughts with images and writing. It also allowed me to show-case the process in which I think and understand information. Furthermore it also showed how I could work well with other and create an environment in which we were able to bounce ideas off one another. Another way I showed my ability to communicate was the buttons we decided to put on display. We decided that it would be best to have some of the buttons that are similar near each other as well as ones that are completely different to communicate the way we organized the buttons and what we deemed as more important differentiated changes.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking

I showcased Critical thinking with this test because I was able to cross-reference the information that I already knew about the story Romeo and Juliet and determine what was the most probable answer. I was able to fully understand what the questions were asking and how to answer them correctly. Critical thinking is what led to my success on this test and I will continue to use my critical thinking skills to answer questions.

My Future Career

My Future Career

With the information that I have learned I was able to narrow my career path to two different professions; Dentist/orthodontist and Accountant. To become a dentist I will have to take many sciences and high level math during my time in centennial if I do not want to take the courses in university. Some of the classes that I will need to take are Chemistry 12, Bio 12, and math 12 foundations or higher. Then once I am in university I will have to do four normal years studies then I will be eligible to apply to the dentistry program. After these four years i will be able to become a dentist but if I want to make more money or go into more specific areas it will take another 2-4 years. To become an Accountant I can take accounting during high school which will give me a better understanding about what accounting is and how it is done. Once I am in university I will need an under graduate degree which will take 4 years and then once I finish that I will be able to apply to a accounting program. Therefore I am prepared for the long journey of becoming a working adult.

Core Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I chose this core competency because during projects when I would find new information I would cross reference it with other information networks to see what was true or not. I also used my own digression in what I though was realistic.

I can reflect on my thinking. I also chose this core competency because I showcased this many times over this course. I was able to look back on things I was doing and improve upon the things that I struggled with.

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals. During this course I have Been working toward many different goals. My teacher and peers have given me information on how I should accomplish them and this has helped me complete my goals

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigations is a core competency in which I would like to work on. Sometimes when I think the way I am doing things is right I will ignore other ways that I could possible use which has lead me to get less information at times. I will start looking into other ways of investigating information to better my understanding of different subjects.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Novel Studies Unit Test

My Novel studies Unit Test show-cased critical and reflective thinking. I showed this core competency by using my learning from previous classes and projects to answer the questions on the test. I slowly looked threw the questions dismissing the questions that I knew could not be correct until I found the answer that made the most sense. I was able to take the quotes in context and be able to figure out the true meanings behind the words. I also looked at things from not only my perspective but the characters to get a better understanding of what they were thinking and feeling. I was able to look back on the questions I got wrong and improve on the things that did not get full marks or I think that I struggled on. Lastly I used different tactics to answer the questions fully and give proper well worded explanations.