Social Studies 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment


The project that I am using to show-case me collaborating is the Housing project. I have displayed my skills in collaborating in this project in numerous ways. Firstly, I was able to clearly express my opinions and thoughts to my partner. I was able to tell him what I thought we should do as well as how we should go about doing it. After expressing myself I listened to what he wanted to do and thought was right. After gathering both of our collective thoughts we decided on the best way to accomplish the project as we as what we visualized what the outcome would be. More over we also were able to evenly distribute the work load based on each others strengths and weaknesses. I took charge of mainly the writing portion because that was were I felt I could do best in this project and my partner mainly took care of the architecture and more visual work. We also worked on things we were not completely comfortable with because we realized that only doing things that are easy will not improve yourself. Lastly, we had trust in each others abilities and work ethic. We knew that we would both work hard to produce the result that we expected and wanted. Even when we got stuck or confused we collaborated and worked through it together by never giving. In conclusion we were able to collaborate successfully and work off one another to produce a result that we were both proud of.