1885 Northwest Rebellion Timeline

Feel free to view my assignment here: https://www.canva.com/design/DADwig7TDDI/R3_QEDw7Bd3HklOUnB2LiA/view?utm_content=DADwig7TDDI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton Reflection A. I knew this information was reliable because of the top websites I used when I was doing my research and I didn’t use any weird unknown websites. I also think I used enough online sources to gather all the information I need. B. I chose Read More…

Revolution Timeline

Reflection My problem was that I started the project a week before it was due. My solution was to stop thinking about it and just start and do something to get me started. I was able to build my project by taking steps and just kept going through what I needed to do. I am Read More…