Foods final project

For my final foods project, I made potstickers with stuffing and cranberry sauce. It was easy but was very tasty at the same time.

This is me making the main course which is the potstickers.

This is the stuffing.

This is the cranberry sauce.

And this is the finished product of all 3.

The red-orange sauce in the top left is sweet pepper jelly sauce, something that goes great with potstickers.

For this meal, I planned for the feel and the appearance to have a balance of softness and crispness, I also planned for it to smell and taste sweet and herby. And my meal turned out nearly exactly how I planned it to be.

One thing I could have changed was the number of cranberries in the cranberry sauce. I wish that I added more cranberries because I felt the sauce needed to be more chunky. All the other qualities were as I expected.

I believed I showed great skills involving mis en place by making all the food at the same time because i put the stuffing in the oven first and boiled the cranberry sauce once the stuffing cooked for 1 hour 20 mins until boiled and heated the potstickers in the pan with oil and water for 3 mins then dumped the liquid out and cooked until golden brown and crispy. I also showed skills in cooking food perfectly by cooking all my food until they are perfect, none of my food was overcooked or undercooked.

This dish reflects on who I am because it is soft and crunchy which relates to me because I can be relaxed or energetic. Also, it is sweet because I can be a good person. This dish is important to me because it reflects who I am and who my family is.


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