English First People 11 Comic Strip Book

This is my first comic strip on English 11. I studied about residential schools and how they treated indigenous people. My story is told through a hand drawn comic strip style. The story is about a boy who was taken away from his home and forced to attend residential school against his will.

My inspiration to make this comic was based on Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese and Secret Path by Gord Downie & Jeff Lemire. I also like to make dark themes through my imagination and visually. I want to make something sad and emotional with real life events that happens to indigenous children on Residential School and show awareness that most Residential Schools don’t treat them fairly.

Core Competency Reflection

When finishing this comic, it felt like I accomplished something.

We acknowledge that how First Nations were treated very poorly by nuns and priest run by Residential Schools.

While purposely converting indigenous youth into Canadian society thousands of indigenous children died from neglect, illness, and abuse.

Most indigenous people who had suffered from PTSD and cultural identity crisis.

An apology couldn’t fix everything but all we can do is educate ourselves from the past and spread awareness.


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