Stock Market: Self Assessment

1. Performance

a. What was your best performing stock?

My best performing stock was target getting 9.88% of returns

b. What was your worst performing stock?

My worst performing stock was tesla, only -16.77% of returns

2. Risk

a. Was your strategy risky?

I don’t think so, I was buying each stocks and performing some growth .

b. What are some steps you could take to mitigate risk?

Making cost effective stocks to make more income

3. Balance

a. Was your portfolio well balanced?

The only balance I had was NGT because it was outgoing.

b. What could you do to make your portfolio more balanced?

Buying more stock markets to make more growth and success.

1. How much information did you use to help you with your decision-making process?

The information I got from this website is that the stocks I brought were processing lot of returns.

2. Has investing become a more approachable or attainable concept to you?

I think its more attainable concept than approachable since the stores I brought were lot value.

3. What is something that you have learned which you have changed your mind about?

I learned how to buy stocks and see how their portfolio was going ups or down.
I wish if I can used this site more than just once so I can understand more how the market works.