To completely understand the characters in The Crucible and why they behave in the ways they do, you must refer to Kohlberg’s moral precepts for an explanation. Kollberg has three stages, all of which occur over the course of your life through neurological development as you age. The first stage of development is preconventional, followed by conventional and lastly, post conventional. All stages are acquired as you age, however, once you reach the next level of development, you do not throw away the previous level. All three stages are intended to give us insight into human behavior that may seem odd or confusing at first. 

There are some examples of preconventional characters in The Crucible. These characters do certain things or have certain behaviors to help them achieve a reward or avoid a punishment. The first example of a preconventional character is Tituba. She confesses to dealing with the devil for a crime she did not commit. If she did not confess, her master said he would “take [her] out and whip [her] to [her] death”. She confessed to save her life. Another character who acted in a certain way to avoid punishment is Mary Warren. She stated that “Abby will kill [her] for saying that” when John Proctor tells her to testify in court and admit she put the needle in the doll. If she does confess to putting the needle in the doll, Abby will kill her and accuse Proctor of lechery. The final example is Abigail Williams. When Elizabeth Proctor says “she wants me dead” to John, she is referring to Abigail Williams who had a salacious relationship with John. Abigail would kill Elizabeth Proctor to be with John. The reward for Abigail in this situation would be John Proctor. In conclusion, The Crucible contains preconventional characters whose actions and behaviors are driven by attaining rewards or evading punishment. These characters represent a stage of moral development where their choices are primarily influenced by self-interest and immediate consequences. Through the portrayal of such characters, the play induces reflection on the complexities of human morality and the consequences of prioritizing personal gains over ethical decisions. 

There are many occasions within the play that characters are acting conventionally. The characters are trying to retain group acceptance. The first example of conventional characters is the group of girls. They said “we danced” in the woods even though Abby drank blood to summon demons to kill Elizabeth Proctor. All the girls said they danced because they wanted to be accepted by Abby and save her from being hanged on suspicion of witchcraft. Secondly, Mary Warren acts in a way to gain group acceptance when she states that she will “hurt you never more” to Abby after outing her in court about the affair she had with John Proctor. By saying that, she hoped to be accepted by the girls and more importantly Abby once again. Lastly, when John Proctor said he will “think on it”, he was avoiding being ostracized by the village for lechery. Even though Proctor not confessing is killing 12 people, Proctor wants to keep his name and reputation clean within the village and by confessing he would throw all of that away. In conclusion, multiple instances throughout the play depict characters behaving conventionally as they seek to maintain group acceptance. The collective pursuit of societal acceptance shapes the actions of these characters, marking the prevalent influence of conformity within the play. 

The final moral precept is post conventional. A few characters act post conventionally in the play. Being post conventional means you internalize a value system that is not influenced by punishment, reward, or group acceptance. The first example of a post conventional character is John Proctor when he confessed that he “[has] known her”. He knew that he would be ostracized by the village, but he knew that it would save his wife’s life. The second character that acted in a manner without being influenced by punishment or group acceptance is Elizabeth Proctor when she said to Danforth “No sir” when asked if her husband a lecher. She knew that John had an affair with Abigail Williams, but she wanted to save her husband from the guilt and humiliation of being a lecher. She sacrificed her eternal soul to get her husband out of trouble in the mortal life. Lastly, when John Hale said he “quit this court”, he gave up his status and influence on the community because he believes that the court is corrupt. He thinks that what he has done is right for the people of the village. In conclusion, the final moral precept, post-conventional, is exemplified by select characters in the play. Acting in a post-conventional manner signifies the internalization of a value system that transcends the influence of punishment, reward, or group acceptance. These characters navigate their moral choices based on an independent and principled foundation, illustrating the evolution and complexity of ethical considerations in the play. 

In summary, understanding the characters in The Crucible and their behaviors is best achieved by referencing Kohlberg’s three moral stages. These stages, developed over a lifetime through neurological growth, include preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional phases. Importantly, individuals do not discard previous stages upon reaching a new one; instead, they build upon them. Kohlberg’s model offers valuable insights into odd human behavior, providing a framework to make sense of actions that may initially appear confusing. 

-Jesse Darling 

CPR Reflection

  1. Something I learned from this unit was that you didn’t have to check for a pulse when performing CPR.
  2. A key takeaway from the practical CPR unit was learning how to properly perform CPR and not hurt the person being given CPR.
  3. This unit connects with the nutrition unit because bad cardiovascular health results in either a stroke or a heart attack.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. Communication is important because if you don’t tell the person(s) helping you what to do, you can’t effectively save the person you are giving CPR to.
  2. Personal awareness and responsibility are very important when performing CPR because yo need to make sure there are no dangers in the general vicinity. If you aren’t self aware, you could risk hurting yourself or the person you are giving CPR to.
  3. Critical thinking is important when performing CPR because you need to be able to react quickly to certain situation.
  4. Personal and social health are important because you need to have friends to have good mental and physical health.

Meal Planning Assignment


This family needs a schedule for dinner this week.


We created a meal plan.

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Who Cooks Parent A  Parent B Teen 1   Teen 2   Nobody cooks because its leftovers 
Recipe Black bean tacos Ginger glazed salmon Chickpea Cauliflower CurryGrilled Chicken Burrito Bowl Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowl
Portion of recipe Serves 4 Serves 4Serves 4Serves 8 Leftovers From Thursday
Dinner Time 5:30 6:20 5:05 6:15Family Eats Whenever
This is the thingy where we made the meal plan.


Thursday/Friday: Teen 2 makes 8 servings of the Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowl. Friday night we eat the leftovers. Teen 2 makes dinner because they are free after school and can cook.

On Monday parent A cooks because they are the only person available to cooks at 5:15 because parent b is at work until 5:30 and then they can all eat together then parent b goes to fitness class, we also chose to cook black beaned tacos because it takes a small amount of time to cook and there is just enough food for everyone (4 servings). 

On Tuesday Parent B cooks at 6:00 and is done by 6:20 so everyone can eat together and then Teen 2 leaves at 6:30. We chose Ginger glazed salmon because it makes 4 servings so enough food for all. 

On Wednesday teen 1 cooks because they need to cook at least once a week. Teen 1 starts cooking at 4:50 and they will eat at 5:05. Teen 1 is cooking chickpea cauliflower curry. They will half the ingredients and then it will take less time to cook. It serves 8 but when they half it, it will be enough for everyone to eat. 


Links here:

Collaboration Reflection

We talked to each other and communicated about the task-at-hand for this project.

We used Microsoft Word, Google, our laptops and our EduBlogs. I am familiar with these sources of technology.

We distributed the tasks by giving each person a day to complete.

I completed Thursday and Friday.

Digital Footprint


I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including people knowing my location, job, school, family and all my personal data. So, I will adjust my actions to stop using the internet in a way that I will not be able to share my personal information and I will stop using my money as much as I do on video games etc. I make digitally ethical choices such as not sharing private information. In order to keep me, and my family safe. Sometimes I make impulsive decisions, but I will change to stop making those decisions. The next time I think of making an impulsive purchase or decision online, I will first think, then ask my parents, then act. I have searched myself up on google and I found absolutely nothing until I searched up my YouTube channel username. I think my decisions on the internet are a lot better than what they used to be, but I feel I could do better. I speak to strangers on the internet through in game chat but besides that I never speak to anyone online except my friends. So basically, I have an interesting digital footprint, and besides my digital life, I’d say I’m just a normal-ish person in society.

My Factory Town

Creating a model factory/company town: Wheat

Company Name: Wheat

Resources available: Wheat, Barley, Hops, Bread, Beer.

Elements of the town: Fields, Wheat, Lumber, Beer, Drunk People, Bread.

Population: 42,069

Explanation / Brief History: Wheat.

Fluency Reflection

How was the ease of access in building the town, and what software did you use specifically?


Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?


What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” town?


Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Explain.


My City


Communication Reflection

In my city, I value happiness, teamwork, nature and friendship. I value happiness because what’s the point of living when you’re not happy? I also value teamwork because when you do stuff as a team you can finish faster, and you all share the effort it takes to do the thing that you are doing and celebrate together when it is finished. I value nature because it’s very beautiful and I want to be a hunter, so I need nature to be alive for the deer and other beautiful animals so I can be a hunter. I named my city llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch because it’s the longest name in England at a whopping 58 characters

City Design

About Me

Hi my name is Jesse and I’m in grade 9 and I enjoy playing hockey. On my spare time I’m playing video games like Rocket League and theHunter: Call of the Wild. I also watch a lot of YouTube and the main YouTubers I watch are Im TSG, (just got a hoodie from his merch website) Lethamyr, Scrubby, MrBeast and Flinter. (links to all of their channels are at the end of this blog). The reasons I watch these YouTubers are because I want to learn how to become a YouTuber myself and I just enjoy their content.

Links to the YouTube channels I mentioned previously:



Scrubby: (all 3 channels)




