Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaborating in CLE 10

My Artifact: A poster on interview question responses

For this project, we were tasked with looking at interview responses as a group and working together to improve the answers and make them more relevant to the job being applied for. While working on this, I communicated with my group members and talked over the interview responses to decide the changes we wanted to make, to improve the responses better. This shows collaboration because we all took on different roles and worked together as a group to complete the assignment. I also demonstrated the statement “I contribute during group activities with peers and share roles and responsibilities to achieve goals.” I demonstrated this by sharing my thoughts on the responses and writing down all of our ideas. We split up the assignment and worked in partners where we each focused on a different question so we could work more efficiently and finish the assignment on time. I think collaboration is a really important skill in everyday life because you have to communicate and work with other people everyday, whether that is at work or school.