IDS Inquiry Reflection

My inquiry question is “what impact can youth have on people in our community who are in need?” This is my inquiry question because I am a part of a leadership group that focuses on helping homeless youth in our community, and I am curious as to what impact we can have. My inquiry has shifted since the beginning of IDS. In the beginning, my inquiry question was about what affect learning to play an instrument would have on my mental health. I made this shift in my inquiry because I wanted to see if dedicating more time into my leadership project would help it be more successful.

My time management for my IDS project has gone pretty well thus far. I use Cent time weekly to meet with my group and work on our project. I also work on the project at least once a week outside of cent time during flex. I have found that working on it, not only during cent time but also during flex has definitely helped me to be more successful.

The most useful resources for my project have been my mentor teacher and my leadership teacher. My leadership teacher has been a lot of help throughout my project as she has previous experience working with the Covenant House, who we are planning to donate the money we raise to.

A challenge that I am currently facing with my inquiry is trying to find ways to advertise my groups project and message.

Throughout my inquiry project, I think I have had growth in the communication core competency. I have had to use this core competency heavily throughout my whole IDS project. Whether that be by communicating with various teachers or with my group to find creative ways to engage members of our school to get involved in the cause we are promoting.

I am on track to complete my project by May, as we will be donating all the money we have raised throughout the year to the Covenant House at this time. I am planning to continue working on this project for my capstone next year as it is something that I am very passionate about.


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