Favourite Recipe

Mac ‘N’ Cheese ‘N’ More

Making and Sharing Reflection

While making this recipe, I had to use a wide variety of equipment. I cooked my pasta in a large pot and used a chef knife to cut my vegetables. I also used many methods and skills which helped me to be successful during this lab. I used a chef knife to mince the onions for my cheese sauce and to cut mushrooms and broccoli. For this recipe, I also made a roux, which has equal parts of flour and fat. Combining that mixture with milk made it into a delicious cheese sauce. A strategy I used to make my sauce creamy was to mix it constantly while pouring the milk into the roux. Another skill I used was time management. My partner and I had to use this skill because we had to cook pasta, make cheese sauce and cook our vegetables, all in a short period of time. Something I learned while cooking this recipe was about the term ‘Al Dente’. This term refers to the texture of the pasta, and means “tender to the tooth.”

After finishing this recipe, I decided to share it with my parents. I told them about the steps I took to complete the recipe, and brought some home so they would be able to try it. To add to the taste of this recipe, my partner and I decided to add extra vegetables. We decided to add mushrooms and broccoli because we both believed that the combination would taste good in the cheese sauce.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I have a discussion with my partner and group members about what tasks need to be done and who can do them, before beginning the lab.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I have a conversation with them about the lab and all the tasks we need to complete.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include who is available to do a certain task and also who wants to do the task.

Goal: I ask and respond to simple, direct questions

A goal I have for myself is to participate more in class discussions and during lab demos. I will do this by making sure to raise my hand if I think I know the answer.


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