Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking

My Artifact: A pleated skirt

For my first project in textiles, I decided to make a pleated skirt. Since this was my first time using a sewing machine, I had to rely heavily on my critical thinking skills to help me complete the project. While I was working on this project, I was faced with a number of challenges because I was learning many new skills. When I was faced with an issue, I used my critical thinking skills to look back at prior knowledge from lessons to help decide what step to take. If after looking back at resources, I still wasn’t able to solve the problem on my own, then I would ask my peers or my teacher for help. When asking for support, I made sure to ask open ended questions that would help me to solve the problem and gain more knowledge if I faced a similar issue in the future. An example of this was when I was trying to put a zipper into the back of my skirt. I was unsure of what to do, so I looked at the resources in class before asking my teacher for some help. This skill helped me to gain more knowledge on various skills in textiles and helped me to complete a project that I was extremely proud of.


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