Leadership Core Competency Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Leadership Qualities and Skills

One leadership quality I possess is collaboration. I am able to demonstrate this quality throughout many of my actions in leadership. I demonstrate this when I am working with the other members of my group “Cent Helping Youth” to plan events. In order to create successful events we have to collaborate and work together. We have weekly meetings and utilize this time to discuss information related to our project and brainstorm ideas, which we hope will help us to create a meaningful project. I am also able to collaborate with my peers in leadership when volunteering for various events run within the school. I am able to work with others to ensure the event goes smoothly by making sure everyone has a role.

One leadership skill that I posses is communication. I believe I posses this quality because I constantly make an effort to communicate with those around me in leadership. I communicate largely with the members in my leadership group. Communicating in this setting is extremely important, especially in a larger group, so we are all able to have our ideas heard. I make sure to be an active listener and offer support to those around me. I also communicate with other members of leadership when running events as I try to offer support to the younger grades if they are unsure of what to do.

Areas to Improve

One leadership quality I would like to develop by the end of this course is creativity. I would like to develop this quality for a number of different reasons. The first reason is that it is important skill when you are holding fundraisers in hopes of raising money for a cause. Being creative is crucial as there are many other groups also trying to fundraise, so it is important to be able to think outside of the box so you can create something exciting and engaging for the school community. It is also important when solving problems. Often when I hit a road block I get frustrated and struggle when I am not able to find a solution. Being able to be creative in this scenario would be extremely helpful as I could think of ideas outside of the box to get around my issue. I am going to work on developing this skill by communicating with those around me and making sure to spend time brainstorming ideas.

One leadership skill I would like to develop is my decision making skills. I would like to develop this because I have a hard time making decisions and sticking to the decisions I have made. Being able to make decisions is extremely important in a group setting as we come across many issues that we have to make decisions on. I would like to get better at looking at the choices provided and thinking about the conditions to decide which would be best.

Core Competency Reflection

Through my work in leadership, I am able to demonstrate the statement “I can work with others to achieve a goal.” I am able to demonstrate this when I am working with my fellow group members. I am able to work with them and contribute equally to help us work towards being successful. I am able to communicate with them and brainstorm to come up with new ideas for fundraisers or events to hold.


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