Socials Studies 10 Reflection

1920’s Scrapbook Project


This assignment shows my researching skills and my critical thinking skills. It also shows my ability to make educated decisions on whether a source is reliable or not. This project demonstrated the core competency of critical and reflective thinking. I chose to reflect on this assignment because I spent a lot of time working on it and I also put a lot of effort into it. During this project, I learned more about important events and people during the 1920’s.

Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated the I can statement that says, “I can analyze evidence to make judgements.” I showed this by reading information online about the topics for my project and using it to make educated judgements while talking about their significance.

I demonstrated the statement that says, “I can reflect on my thinking.” I showed this by looking over my notes for the assignment and reflecting on the different ideas I wrote down.  

I also demonstrated the I can statement that says, “I can tell the difference between facts and opinions.” I showed this by looking over resources for the topics I was researching and comparing them to decide whether they were reliable or not. I also did this to make sure there was no bias and that what I was reading was true.

I demonstrated the I can statement that says, “I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals.” I showed this while working on this project by showing my friends my PowerPoint and asking for their opinions on it, to see if there was anything I could improve on. I made sure to listen to their suggestions and I made changes when necessary.

My goal for the future is to work on the I can statement that says “I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community. I will achieve this goal by making an conscious effort to raise my hand more during class discussions and contributing my ideas when working on group projects.

English 10 Core Competency Self- Assessment

Creative Thinking

This is a picture of my poetry project that I created for English. For this project, we were tasked with collecting and writing a number of different poems based around three chosen themes. While working on this assignment, I brainstormed different ideas and I looked for inspiration for my poems online to decide what I wanted to write about. This shows thinking because I thought outside of the box when writing my poems and made sure I spent a lot of time brainstorming creative ideas before I began to write. I demonstrated the statement that says, “I can reflect on my thinking.” I showed this by reading my poems after I wrote them and then reflecting on the things that I wrote to make sure I was happy with the final product. I also demonstrated the statement that says, “I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.” I demonstrated this when I showed my poems to my friends and asked them for feedback. I made sure to listen to the feedback that they gave me and I made changes to my poems which helped me to improve the overall poem.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaborating in CLE 10

My Artifact: A poster on interview question responses

For this project, we were tasked with looking at interview responses as a group and working together to improve the answers and make them more relevant to the job being applied for. While working on this, I communicated with my group members and talked over the interview responses to decide the changes we wanted to make, to improve the responses better. This shows collaboration because we all took on different roles and worked together as a group to complete the assignment. I also demonstrated the statement “I contribute during group activities with peers and share roles and responsibilities to achieve goals.” I demonstrated this by sharing my thoughts on the responses and writing down all of our ideas. We split up the assignment and worked in partners where we each focused on a different question so we could work more efficiently and finish the assignment on time. I think collaboration is a really important skill in everyday life because you have to communicate and work with other people everyday, whether that is at work or school.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication through a Character Exercise

My Artifact: A Character Study Poster

I demonstrated communication and collaboration through a character study poster we did in my English class. For this assignment, we were tasked with analyzing a character from To Kill a Mockingbird in small groups, and then we filled out a poster with all of the information that we found. During this project, I communicated ideas with my partner, I took on roles for completing the assignment and I wrote down all my ideas. This demonstrates communication because I spoke with my partner and was able to share my ideas and also listen to theirs in a respectful way. This also shows collaboration because I was able to take equal responsibility while completing the assignment. I demonstrated the statement “I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.” I demonstrated this when I was unsure about a certain part of the assignment, so I had a conversation with my partner and gave them my full attention when they were speaking.