Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking

For my textiles project, I chose to make a crocheted tank top. Through this project, I was able to demonstrate the core competency of critical thinking. Since this was my first time crocheting an item of clothing, it was important for me to use critical thinking to help me complete the project. When I was met with a problem, I used my problem solving skills which helped me to find a solution to the issue. To problem solve, I thought back to prior knowledge or used various online resources such as YouTube videos or articles to help me. Another way I demonstrated critical thinking with this project was that after I realized I made a mistake, I reflected on the different steps that led me to that point. This helped me to prevent making similar mistakes while continuing on with my project

English 10 Core Competency Self- Assessment

Creative Thinking

This is a picture of my poetry project that I created for English. For this project, we were tasked with collecting and writing a number of different poems based around three chosen themes. While working on this assignment, I brainstormed different ideas and I looked for inspiration for my poems online to decide what I wanted to write about. This shows thinking because I thought outside of the box when writing my poems and made sure I spent a lot of time brainstorming creative ideas before I began to write. I demonstrated the statement that says, “I can reflect on my thinking.” I showed this by reading my poems after I wrote them and then reflecting on the things that I wrote to make sure I was happy with the final product. I also demonstrated the statement that says, “I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.” I demonstrated this when I showed my poems to my friends and asked them for feedback. I made sure to listen to the feedback that they gave me and I made changes to my poems which helped me to improve the overall poem.